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ACDOCA Table in SAP S/4HANA: What No One Tells You


ACDOCA table in SAP S/4HANA plays a critical role in the system’s architecture. As a finance professional or SAP user, understanding the ACDOCA table is essential to effectively manage financial transactions and reporting in the system. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of the ACDOCA table, its significance, structure, and how it functions within SAP S/4HANA.

What is ACDOCA Table in SAP?

The ACDOCA table in SAP S/4HANA is a Universal Journal Entry Line Items table that stores all financial data for an organization. It is a single table that consolidates data from various sub-ledger and other financial modules in the SAP system. The ACDOCA table replaced the traditional financial accounting (FI) and controlling (CO) tables in SAP ERP, making it a central repository for all financial transactions and reporting in SAP S/4HANA.

It plays a crucial role in simplifying financial processes and reporting in SAP S/4HANA. By consolidating all financial data in a single table, it eliminates the need for complex data reconciliation between FI and CO modules. This streamlined approach enables real-time reporting, improved data accuracy, and faster decision-making for finance professionals.

Key Features of ACDOCA Table

  1. ACDOCA is a centralized table the stores all transactional data that was previously stores in multiple tables in SAP ECC. This streamlines data access and provides a comprehensive view of all financial and management accounting data.
  2. ACDOCA integrates data from various modules such as Financial Accounting(FI). Controlling(CO), Material Ledger(ML) and Asset Accounting(AA), and the profitability Analysis(CO-PA). This allows a more holistic view of the financials.
  3. All transactions are posted in real time in the ACDOCA table. This ensures that the data is always up-to-date.
  4. ACDOCA table can store a large volume of the data with its more than 500 fields. This includes information about the General Ledger, Asset Accounting, Material Ledger, Controlling, and so on.
  5. ACDOCA table supports multi-dimensional reporting without the need for any aggregate tables.
  6. You can define up to 8 additional currencies beyond the 3 parallel currencies in FI and CO.

Structure of the ACDOCA Table

The ACDOCA table in SAP S/4HANA is structured to accommodate various types of financial transactions and data in SAP ERP. It consists of fields for document numbers, posting keys, amounts, currencies, and other relevant information for financial reporting. The table structure follows the universal journal concept, allowing for a flexible and comprehensive view of financial transactions.


The primary key fields in the ACDOCA table include:

  • RCLNT: Client
  • RLDNR: Ledger in General Ledger Accounting
  • RBUKRS: Company Code
  • GJAHR: Fiscal Year
  • BELNR: Document Number of an Accounting Document
  • DOCLN: Six-Character Posting Item for Ledger

ACDOCA in SAP S/4HANA have more than 500 fields and number of standard ABAP CDS views available in to use in custom code. For more details information, please check ACDOCA technical details.

Custom Fields in ACDOCA table

To add additional custom fields in ACDOCA table in SAP S/4HANA, SAP recommends to use these extensibility options, which includes

  1. Classic Coding Block
  2. Classic CO-PA custom characteristics
  3. Key User Extensibility using following business context
    • Coding Block
    • Journal Entry Item
    • Market Segment

For detailed information, please check ACDOCA Extensibility Options – A Master Guide

ACDOCA Migration

In order to utilize Finance in SAP S/4HANA, it is necessary to transfer existing user data from the General Ledger, Asset Accounting, Controlling, and Material Ledger. This data migration is essential as Finance in SAP S/4HANA relies on a consistent data model across all accounting areas.

The ACDOCA data table contains all line item documents and after the migration, all postings from the mentioned applications are stored in the ACDOCA table. Views with the same technical names are used to replace the following tables:

  • General Ledger line item, totals tables, and application index tables (GLT0, BSIS, BSAS, FAGLFLEXA, FAGLFLEXT, FAGLBSIS, FAGLBSAS)
  • Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable totals tables and application index tables (KNC1, KNC3, LFC1, LFC3, BSID, BSIK, BSAD, BSAK)
  • Controlling line item and totals tables (COEP for certain value types, COSP, COSS)
  • Material Ledger tables for parallel valuations (MLIT, MLPP, MLPPF, MLCR, MLCD, CKMI1, BSIM)
  • Asset Accounting tables (ANEK, ANEP, ANEA, ANLP, ANLC)

By replacing these tables with views using the same names, all read accesses to the tables mentioned are preserved.

Costs and Usage in SAP BTP Cockpit


Understanding your SAP BTP service consumption and associated costs is crucial for optimizing resource allocation and budgeting effectively. The new page called Costs and Usage in SAP BTP cockpit serves as a central hub for comprehensive monitoring and analysis. In this blog we will provide detailed exploration delves into the intricacies of this page, unpacking its features, functionalities, and the valuable insights it offers for both subscription-based and consumption-based commercial models.

Overview of Costs and Usage

In Q1 2024, SAP has introduced the new page “Costs and Usage” which replaces the Usage Analytics in SAP BTP Cockpit. The Cost and Usage page is visible to consumption-based global accounts. For global accounts with only a subscription-based commercial agreement, this new page is called “Usage“.

  1. The new “Costs and Usage” page offers a refreshed look and exciting new features focused on improving cost transparency for service consumption in global accounts.
  2. The previous features from the “Usage Analytics” page are still available but may work differently in the new page.
  3. “Usage” in subscription-based global accounts does not include the billing-related features mentioned below.

The new capabilities of Costs and Usage in SAP BTP cockpit includes:

  • Billing Verification: Verify billing accuracy using data and terminology from monthly balance statements.
  • Cross Charging Analysis: Track and manage costs across the account hierarchy using labels and filters.
  • Advanced Usage and Cost Monitoring: Compare usage and costs across multiple services, analyze trends, and drill down into subaccounts.
  • Direct Access to Filtered Views: Bookmark filters and search queries for quicker access and easier sharing.

Upon navigating to Costs and Usage in SAP BTP cockpit, you’ll be greeted by two prominent cards at the top. The left card displays general information about your global account

Costs and Usage in SAP BTP Cockpit

while the right card caters to your specific commercial model.

For consumption-based model like Cloud Platform Enterprise Agreement (CPEA), you’ll see details like cloud credit usage, monthly charges, and contract information.

Costs and Usage CPEA for SAP BTP

For consumption-based model like Pay-As-You-Go, you’ll see details like monthly cost, monthly cost trend.

Costs and Usage Pay As You Go for SAP BTP

If you use a subscription-based model, the data focuses solely on exceeding your prepaid quota.

If a global account uses a combination of consumption-based and subscription-based commercial models, the “Costs and Usage” page will show the following:

  1. For services under the consumption-based model, it will display the complete billing and usage data.
  2. For services under the subscription-based model, it will only show billing and usage data for any consumption that exceeds the pre-paid/subscribed quota.
  3. For the usage within the pre-paid quota of subscription-based services, the billing and usage data will not be shown on this page.
  4. Any excess usage beyond the subscribed quota for subscription-based services will be charged according to the rates defined in the contract for the consumption-based commercial model.

So in a mixed commercial model scenario, this page essentially separates out and focuses only on the consumption-based billing and usage, while the subscription-based usage within quota is not reflected here.

Export Costs and Usage Data

The new Costs and Usage page provide an export feature allowing users to extract detailed usage and cost information for analysis and reporting purposes, with the content varying based on the commercial model.

Costs and Usage Export
  1. You can export usage and cost data to a Microsoft Excel file covering the last 12, 24, or 36 months.
  2. The exported file contains several sheets, depending on the commercial model used by the global account (subscription-based, consumption-based, or a combination).
  3. The sheets include:
    • Global Account Info: General information about the global account and cloud credit usage.
    • Global Account Costs: Total monthly usage data and costs for billable services (only for consumption-based model).
    • Subaccount Costs by Service: Monthly usage data and estimated costs by plan and subaccount (only for consumption-based model).
    • Actual Usage: Actual monthly usage data of consumed services by plan, subaccount, and space (for both models).
    • Labels: User-defined labels assigned to subaccounts with usage data (for both models).
  4. For subaccount costs, the calculations are estimations based on proportional global account usage.
  5. Actual usage data may differ from billed usage and includes non-billable services.
  6. The exported data does not consider any filters applied in the cockpit.

Billing and Usage

Costs and Usage page contains two main views: Billing and Usage. Each view offers unique perspectives on your consumption data, tailored to your specific needs.

1. Billing

The “Billing” view monitors and analyze monthly charges for services consumed by subaccounts in a global account. The main features are:

  1. The Billing view displays aggregated usage and rating data based on the pricing structure of each service over the last 12 months.
  2. It has two perspectives: “View by Service” and “View by Directory or Subaccount”.
  3. View by Service” provides an overview of charged usage across services and plans, allowing drilling down to see subaccount details.
  4. View by Directory or Subaccount” shows charged usage across subaccounts and directories in the account hierarchy, with the ability to drill down to service plan details.
  5. Both perspectives offer filtering, sorting, searching, and graphing capabilities to analyze usage trends and costs.
  6. Deleted subaccounts with charges in the last 12 months are still listed and marked as “(deleted)”.
  7. For accounts with both subscription-based and consumption-based models, the view separates usage within the prepaid quota (not charged) and usage exceeding the quota (charged based on consumption rates).

The Billing view aims to provide detailed visibility into service consumption, costs, and cross-charges across the global account structure for verification and analysis purposes.

2. Usage

The “Usage” view monitors and analyze the actual (raw) monthly usage metrics for services consumed by subaccounts in a global account over the last 12 months.

Services Usage in SAP BTP Cockpit

The main features are:

  1. The Usage view displays raw usage data before aggregation for billing purposes.
  2. It may include free services and metrics that are not used for billing, leading to discrepancies compared to the “Billing” view.
  3. For accounts with only a consumption-based model, it includes all usage data, including free services.
  4. For accounts with both consumption-based and subscription-based models, it combines all usage data across both models and free services.
  5. Users can drill down to see usage details by service and subaccount.
  6. Filtering options are available for services, subaccounts, and directories.
  7. A graph displays monthly usage trends for selected services over the last 12 months.
  8. Other features like sorting, searching, and column management are available.

The Usage view provides transparency into the raw, granular usage metrics across services and accounts, which may differ from the billable usage data shown in the Billing view due to aggregation and rating calculations.

Additional Resources

SAP BTP Terraform Provider 1.0.0 : An Ultimate Guide


Are you tired of manually managing your SAP BTP infrastructure, sacrificing precious time and risking human error? The recently released SAP BTP Terraform Provider 1.0.0 can be your savior! This powerful tool unlocks effortless automation, freeing you to focus on strategic tasks and accelerating your innovations to market. Dive into this blog to discover how this game-changer can simplify your SAP BTP deployments and streamline your entire infrastructure and application management process.


SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) is a cloud-based platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering from SAP that empowers you to build and extend business applications. Managing SAP BTP involves tasks like overseeing directories, global accounts, subaccounts, and services. These activities can be performed through the SAP BTP cockpit, the BTP Command Line Interface (BTP CLI), or APIs. While the BTP cockpit allows navigation across various sections, the BTP CLI often necessitates utilizing multiple commands. This workload can become particularly cumbersome when managing numerous subaccounts, directories, and applications.

To effectively manage infrastructure on SAP BTP, Terraform has emerged as a leading infrastructure as code (IaC) solution that allows administrators to automate the provisioning and management of resources. Terraform enables consistent, predictable infrastructure deployments using code instead of manual processes.

What is Terraform?

Terraform is this amazing tool that’s open for everyone to use, created by the folks over at HashiCorp. It’s all about making life easier when you’re working with cloud infrastructure. Think of it as a magic wand that helps you set up and manage everything you need in the cloud, without all the hassle. It’s built to work with pretty much any cloud service out there – whether you’re team AWS, all about Azure, or a Google Cloud fan, Terraform has got your back.

The cool part? You don’t need to be a tech wizard to use it. Terraform lets you describe what you need in a way that’s easy to understand, almost like writing a to-do list. This is great because it means everyone on the team, from developers to operations folks, can figure out what’s happening and work together more smoothly. It’s all about ditching those old-school, manual setups that can turn into a real headache and moving to something a lot more streamlined.

But here’s where it gets really interesting – Terraform is designed to grow with you. It can handle everything from a small project to the kind of complex setups big organizations need. It’s like the Swiss Army knife of cloud computing, empowering companies to be more agile and embrace the best practices of using infrastructure as code. Basically, if you’re looking to manage your cloud resources efficiently and make your life a whole lot easier, Terraform is the way to go.

What is SAP BTP Terraform Provider?

SAP BTP Terraform Provider allows Terraform to interact with the SAP BTP to provision and manage resources. Rather than needing manual processes, users can define SAP BTP infrastructure in Terraform configuration files that can be shared and version controlled. The provider is essential for any development team wanting to apply infrastructure as code best practices to SAP BTP. For example:

# Create a parent directory without features enabled
resource "btp_directory" "parent" {
  name        = "my-parent-directory"
  description = "This is a parent directory."

# Create a child directory underneath a parent directory without features enabled
resource "btp_directory" "child" {
  parent_id   =
  name        = "my-child-directory"
  description = "This is a child directory."

# Create a directory with ENTITLEMENT and AUTHORIZATIONS features enabled
resource "btp_directory" "dir_with_features" {
  name        = "my-feat-directory"
  description = "This is a directory with features."

The recent release of the SAP BTP Terraform Provider 1.0.0 marks an important milestone that brings enterprise-grade stability and support to managing SAP BTP environments with Terraform. This opens the door to increased efficiency, scalability, and collaboration for teams leveraging SAP BTP. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at exploiting the power of Terraform and the SAP BTP provider release to optimize SAP BTP infrastructure operations.

Install SAP BTP Terraform Provider

Buckle up, installing SAP BTP Terraform Provider is just the beginning. It’s an invitation to a world of streamlined operations, efficient deployments, and empowered teams. So, are you ready to experience the magic for yourself? Let’s get started!


  • Download terraform from the Terraform website.
  • Roles are assigned to your user in SAP BTP.

Step-by-Step Process

To work with Terraform configuration files, we would need a IDE. Open any IDE of your choice, here I am using VS Code.

1. Create a directory sapbtp-terraform on your machine and launch VS code pointing this directory.

SAP BTP Terraform Installation Step 1

2. Create a new .tf file of your choice and copy below code. For example

terraform {
  required_providers {
    btp = {
      source  = "SAP/btp"
      version = "~>1.0.0"

provider "btp" {
  globalaccount = "4a59ddebctrial-ga" //replace with your Global Account Subdomain

3. Open the terminal with in the folder and run following command to install necessary dependencies.

terraform init

4. After successful installation, you will see following output in the terminal.

SAP BTP Terraform Installation Step 3

5. Congrats! you have successfully installed the terraform provider for SAP BTP. Last but not least, you need to pass credentials to the provider to authenticate and interact with your BTP environments. There two different options to pass the credentials:

Option 1: Set the environment variables BTP_USERNAME and BTP_PASSWORD by running following commands in the terminal.

export BTP_USERNAME=<your_username>
export BTP_PASSWORD=<your_password>

Option 2: Add username & password in the terraform configuration file ( like below.

SAP BTP Terraform Installation Step 4

Note: Username and password should not be SAP Universal ID credentials. Use your S-User ID or its associated email address as username and password for the same.


Gone are the days of manually configuring and managing your SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) infrastructure. Embrace the future with the SAP BTP Terraform Provider, a game-changer that simplifies and streamlines BTP deployments and application maintenance. This powerful tool transforms your infrastructure management from a tedious chore into an efficient, automated process.

Ready to transform your BTP experience? Embrace the power of Terraform and unlock the full potential of your SAP Business Technology Platform. Start automating your infrastructure today and see the difference for yourself!

How to install Neptune Software DXP 2023 LTS


Neptune Software has recently announced the latest Long Term Support (LTS) release – DXP 2023. In this blog post we will explain the step-step process to install the Neptune Software DXP 2023 on ABAP Platform Trail Edition.

Lets get started!!

Step-by-Step Procedure

1. Login and download DXP 2023 LTS from Neptune Software DXP Portal.

Download DXP 2023 LTS

2. After download is complete, extract the zip file. You will be find the data and cofiles of the transport request in the extract.

Neptune DXP 2023 Transport Request

3. Upload the co-file and data-file to SAP transport directory. You can upload using CG3Y transaction code or use the FM ARCHIVFILE_CLIENT_TO_SERVER in SE37. Here I have used the FM to upload the transport request.


Upload Neptune DXP 2023 TR Data file


Upload Neptune DXP 2023 TR Cofile

4. Once upload is completed, verify the files in AL11 folders.

AL11 DXP 2023 cofile
Co-file in AL11
AL11 DXP 2023 data file
Data file in AL11

5. Now its time to add the NADK909666 transport request to Import Queue using STMS.

6. Go to STMS (Transport Management System) transaction code and click on Import Overview.

STMS Import Overview

7. Double-click on the Target System.

STMS Select Target System

8. Navigate to Extras –> Other Requests –> Add

STMS Add TR to Import Queue

9. On Add Transport Request to Import Queue dialog window, select NADK909666 and click on OK.

STMS Select TR

10. Finally, click on Yes to the confirm the TR to add to import queue.

STMS Confirm the TR

11. After the TR is successfully added to the import queue, now import the TR into the system. Select the TR and click on Import Request.

STMS Import DXP 2023 TR

12. Monitor the progress of the import by selecting the row and clicking on the Import Monitor. If the import has completed successfully, you should see a similar screen in the Import Monitor.

Neptune DXP Post Installation Checks

After you have successfully imported the TR, run the report – /NEPTUNE/INSTALLATION_CHECK to verify the installation. You need to run this program in every client where you will run Neptune. All icons should be green for a successfully installation.

Neptune DXP Post Installation Checks


Congrats! you have successfully installed Neptune Software DXP 2023 on ABAP Platform Trial 1909.

Elevate Your ABAP Skills: ‘Core Data Services for ABAP’ Handbook


Have you ever find difficulty in finding the right annotation to be used in the CDS views or modeling the CDS views itself? Have difficulty in understanding the advanced concepts like hierarchical CDS views, implementing enterprise search using CDS-based approach?

In Core Data Services for ABAP third edition, ABAP veterans Renzo Colle, Ralf Dentzer, Jan Hrastnik dives deep into the world of ABAP CDS, offering a comprehensive guide for both beginners and seasoned ABAP professionals. It is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to build a solid foundation in ABAP CDS. The book clear explanations, practical examples, and insightful approach make it a must-read for any aspiring ABAP Developer role.

Core Data Services for ABAP

Core Data Services (CDS) for ABAP is SAP’s latest data modeling language that allows developers to define semantically rich data models for analytical and transactional application development. It is becoming increasingly important for ABAP developers to understand this new modeling paradigm. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to Core Data Services for SAP ABAP.

Core Data Services for ABAP

Core Data Services for ABAP

written by Renzo Colle, Ralf Dentzer, Jan Hrastnik

It explains what CDS is, why it matters, and how to use it to develop advanced data-centric applications in SAP S/4HANA and other ABAP-based systems. By learning CDS, ABAP developers can create flexible data models that support complex analytical reporting, enable new transactional applications, and simplify integration across SAP and non-SAP systems.

With clear examples and development approaches, this book teaches essential CDS skills – from basic CDS entity definitions all the way to building complete data-driven applications.

While Core Data Services for ABAP offers an impressive breadth in its coverage of the newest developments and features of the ABAP Platform, including those up to SAP S/4HANA 2023, it also covers hot topics like the ABAP RESTful application programming model.

Structure of the Book

The book is a comprehensive guide to SAP Core Data Services (CDS) and its application within the SAP S/4HANA environment. Here’s a summary of the key chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduces the quick definition of simple CDS views and essential development tools.

Chapter 2: Covers the fundamentals and technical basics of CDS data models, presenting relevant artifacts and components through modeling examples.

Chapter 3: Explains the basics, definition, and usage of associations in CDS models, including ABAP implementation and special association types.

Chapter 4: Explores the basics of CDS annotations and their propagation logic using examples, highlighting how annotations enrich data models with semantic information.

Chapter 5: Discusses authorizations for accessing CDS data, covering access controls using CDS Data Control Language (DCL) and demonstrating their use.

Chapter 6: Provides insight into the modeling and definition of business services using projection views, service definitions, and service bindings, focusing on OData protocol–based bindings.

Chapter 7: Examines CDS table functions, enabling integration of native SAP HANA functions into the CDS view stack using SQLScript.

Chapter 8: Gives an overview of the application architecture in SAP S/4HANA and the role of CDS in modeling aspects such as field labels, semantics, foreign key relationships, etc.

Chapter 9: Explains the virtual data model (VDM) of SAP S/4HANA, formed by selected CDS views meeting quality and modeling aspects defined by SAP.

Chapter 10: Focuses on analytical applications, discussing the architecture for embedded analytics in SAP S/4HANA and how CDS views are used in this context.

Chapter 11: Covers transactional applications, detailing the role of CDS in modeling read accesses, transactional processing, locking, authorizations, business logic, and more.

Chapter 12: Introduces flexible modeling options in CDS for hierarchical structured data with examples.

Chapter 13: Demonstrates the use of CDS as a basis for modeling value helps and free-text searches in specific use cases.

Chapter 14: Addresses the lifecycle and stability of CDS and ABAP RESTful application programming model artifacts, including stability contracts and their impact on upgrades.

Chapter 15: Provides an overview of modification-free enhancements by customers and partners, explaining key considerations and developer extensibility using CDS view extensions.

Chapter 16: Introduces the creation of automated tests for CDS models and the transactional runtime, showcasing the test double framework.

Chapter 17: Recommends practical ways for troubleshooting CDS and ABAP RESTful application programming model-related errors, describing relevant tools and highlighting potential pitfalls.

The book covers a wide range of topics, from basic concepts to advanced techniques and best practices, making it a comprehensive resource for developers working with SAP CDS in the context of S/4HANA.

Personal Experience with the Book

As a seasoned ABAP developer, delving into the complexities of SAP ABAP Core Data Services (CDS) was initially a daunting task. However, the book proved to be an invaluable resource in enhancing my understanding of CDS for ABAP development.

The book systematically guided me through the intricacies of CDS, starting with the basics and progressively building up to advanced topics. Chapter 1 served as an excellent primer, swiftly introducing the essentials of CDS views and familiarizing me with crucial development tools. Each subsequent chapter deepened my comprehension of CDS data models, associations, annotations, and access controls, among other crucial aspects.

The in-depth coverage of topics like business services, table functions, and the virtual data model enriched my understanding of how CDS fits into the broader SAP S/4HANA architecture.

One of the most rewarding aspects of this book was its code snippets. While working on a project that required exposing CDS models to external consumers, Chapter 6’s insights into business services, projection views, and service bindings were instrumental. The book’s step-by-step guidance allowed me to seamlessly integrate CDS models with the OData protocol, facilitating smoother interactions with external systems.

Value Help Projection Type CDS View
Code snipper from the book, explaining about Project Type CDS view

In another instance, Chapter 11 played a pivotal role when dealing with transactional applications. The detailed explanation of CDS’s role in handling locking, authorizations, and business logic was directly applicable to our project requirements. Applying these principles will assure you a streamlined development process and ensured robust transactional processing.

The book’s practical examples in Chapter 16 on automated testing became a eye-opener for me, as I never thought about creating unit tests for CDS views. I am looking forward to implementing the test double framework in future projects.

Use Case for the CDS Test Double Framework Using Test Doubles
Screen-shot from the book: CDS Test Double Framework

In summary, the book has been a transformative guide, elevating my understanding of CDS for ABAP development. It has become a go-to reference, aiding not only in learning but also in implementing best practices for my next SAP S/4HANA implementation projects.


The book leaves a lasting impression as a comprehensive and insightful guide to SAP Core Data Services (CDS) for ABAP developers. By combining theoretical knowledge with practical examples, the book equips developers with the skills needed to navigate the complexities of CDS effectively. It serves as an essential resource for ABAP developers making the transition to SAP S/4HANA, providing a thorough understanding of CDS and its application within the SAP ecosystem.

Keep the book as a go-to reference guide, especially when dealing with specific CDS concepts or challenges during development projects.

Powerful SAP Build Apps Guided Experience for 30 days


SAP recently launched a new service called SAP Build Apps Guided Experience, which provides users with a 30-day free trial to build enterprise apps visually without code. With SAP Build Apps, anyone can take a guided tour to learn key features for rapid app development.

SAP Build Apps Guided Experience

What is Guided Experience?

SAP Guided Experience is a great way for new users to get hands-on experience with SAP products. They are designed to walk you through key workflows and core features in a guided manner, so you can learn by doing. SAP offers guided experience for following products along with SAP Build Apps

• SAP Analytics Cloud


• SAP Datasphere

• SAP Data Intelligence Cloud

• Extended Planning and Analysis (xP&A)

• Data & Analytics

What is SAP Build Apps?

SAP Build Apps is a low-code development platform from SAP that allows users to quickly build, test, and deploy enterprise-grade applications through a visual, code-free approach and enabling faster digital transformation.

Using simple drag-and-drop tools, even non-developers can build robust user interfaces, experiences, data models, and business logic in the cloud. This innovative approach to app building aims to empower beginners and experts alike to create enterprise-grade apps efficiently through visual, guided development. The 30-day free trial gives new users hands-on experience with this powerful platform for building the apps of tomorrow, today. In this blog post we will walk you through a step-by-step process to try out SAP Build Apps.

Here are some key details about SAP Build Apps:

  • It is a cloud-based service that enables rapid application development using simple drag-and-drop tools and pre-built components.
  • Users can visually model data and processes to build robust applications without writing any code.
  • It provides pre-built connectors to integrate with SAP and non-SAP systems.
  • Applications built on SAP Build can be deployed to the cloud or on-premises.
  • The service includes guided tours and tutorials for new users to get started building apps quickly.
  • SAP Build Apps enables citizen developers, professional developers, and business users to collaborate on app building.
  • It supports building responsive web and mobile app UIs, business logic, workflows, data models, and more.
  • The apps created can scale across desktop and mobile devices while integrating analytics and AI.

Registration and Login

1. Open the following url in the browser and register to SAP Build Apps Guided Experience.


SAP Build App Guided Experience Register

2. After successfully registration and click on Start Now button, a popup window will open with UserID and Password to login to SAP Build Apps Guided Experience.

SAP Build Apps Guided Experience Login Details

3. Launch the guided experience and Sign In with User Id and Password from above step.

SAP Build Apps Guided Experience Login

4. After successfully loing, you will be presented with SAP Build Apps Lobby.

SAP Build Apps Guided Experience

SAP Build Apps Guided Guides

With SAP Build Apps Guided Experience, SAP provides following guided tutorials to try and following along:

  • SAP S/4HANA Business Partner – Create Your Application
  • SAP S/4HANA Business Partner – Create a Business Partner List Page
  • SAP S/4HANA Business Partner – Create a Business Partner Detail Page
  • Success Factor – Create your application
  • Success Factor – Create a Job Requisition List Page
  • Success Factor – Create a Job Requisition Detail Page

Create an SAP Build Apps project

1. From the SAP Build Lobby, click Create and choose Build an Application.

SAP Build Apps Build an Application 1

2. You will be presented with below two options, based on your requirement select of these options.

Web & Mobile Application: Create a multi-platform frontend app with powerful interaction logic and seamless integration with SAP and other systems.

Application Backend: Create a cloud-deployed application backend with custom data and business logic that can be shared across multiple frontends.

SAP Build Apps Application Types

3. Select Web & Mobile Application and enter a Name,  Description for your project. Click Create to open the app builder.

SAP Build Apps Create Project

What is Application Builder?

Application Builder is a drag-and-drop application development tool that is part of the SAP Build portfolio. It provides a visual canvas and preset templates to allow both professional developers and citizen developers to quickly build web and mobile apps.

SAP Build Apps App Builder

Some key capabilities and benefits of Application Builder include:

  • Visual development: Application Builder provides a graphical interface where you can drag and drop components like forms, tables, buttons, etc. to build your app visually. No coding required.
  • Pre-built templates: It comes with several pre-made app templates to help you get started quickly for common use cases like approvals, surveys, CRUD apps, and more.
  • Connectors: Easily integrate your apps with SAP and non-SAP data sources, REST APIs, and more.
  • Multi-platform apps: Apps built with Application Builder can run on desktop browsers, mobile devices, and more.
  • Citizen development: The low-code environment enables non-technical users to build simple apps without coding expertise.
  • Extensibility: Developers can extend apps using Web IDE and code editors for more complex logic.


SAP Build Apps Guided Experience provides a user-friendly low-code environment to build web and mobile apps for your business faster. With minimal coding, you can build custom apps tailored to your specific needs and integrate them with your SAP or non-SAP systems using pre-built connectors. The visual drag-and-drop interface and ready app templates help accelerate development.

SAP ABAP System Access for affordable price $9


Having SAP ABAP system access is crucial for effectively learning and practicing ABAP programming skills. Without hands-on access to a live SAP system, it is extremely difficult to fully understand how to write and test ABAP code. An ABAP system allows you to create and execute programs, develop interfaces and reports, and connect to SAP ERP or S/4HANA modules like Finance, Sales, etc.

Why SAP ABAP System Access is Essential

Whether you’re a beginner learning the basics or an experienced programmer honing your skills, the ability to immediately test and apply your ABAP knowledge is essential. Having an available ABAP sandbox system enables you to bring theoretical concepts to life and cement your learning through real-world programming challenges and examples. SAP ABAP system access is a critical enabler for interactive, practical learning as well as skill development.

Hands-on experience with an SAP ABAP system is invaluable for gaining proficiency in ABAP programming. SAP ABAP is a high-level programming language used for developing applications within the SAP ecosystem, and it is known for its complexity and specific requirements. Here are some of the key reasons why hands-on experience is significant:

SAP ABAP System Access for $9

There are many online providers who provides SAP ABAP system access and their costs are huge. Having a affordable ABAP system lets you maximize ABAP learning ROI and minimize wasted expenditure on underutilized systems.

Among other online providers, Nuve provides a cost-effective solution for hosting the trial version of ABAP Platform.

Steps to Set Up and Configure SAP ABAP System Access

Recently SAP SAP has announced that ABAP Platform 1909 Trial is avaialbe in docker hub. However, setting up a properly configured SAP environment requires careful planning and execution. From deciding between on-premise, cloud, or virtual options to performing technical configuration and integration, there are key steps that must be completed to ensure your ABAP system is ready for practical learning.

Nuve has taken out all these problems from the equation and provides a smoother experience in setting up the SAP ABAP Trail system. Lets look at the step-by-step walkthrough of installing and configuring the SAP ABAP system.

Step 1: Choosing the Right Provider

Without any second thought, we are choosing the provider as Nuve.

Step 2: Assessing System Requirements

Nuve Platform offers varrious personal and enterprise plans, choose the plan the right plan based on your hardware and software requirements.

Nuve ABAP Platform Personal Pricing Plans

Step 3: Installation and Configuration Process

As we have choose Nuve as our platform, there would be no installation and configuration process needed from our end. Everything is handled by them. You just need to provide them Docker Hub username and access token.

Once you have subscribed to a plan, you will be greeted with an email and the steps on how to get dockerhub access token. After replying to the email with username and access token, all you have to do is sit back and relax.

Nuev Platform Onboarding Email

Step 4: Accessing the SAP ABAP System

You will receive another email letting you know that your ABAP system is ready which also includes credentials to login to SAP ABAP system.

SAP ABAP System Access Nuve

Before accessing the SAP ABAP system, you need to create an Nuve account and then create an instance for your ABAP Trail System. It may take couple of minutes or even less to spin up the instance.

Create an SAP Instance

As soon as your instance ready, you will be able to see the SAP system details like Application Server, Instance Number and System ID.

SAP Instance is Ready for Access Nuve

Step 5: Connect to SAP ABAP System using SAP GUI

The final step is to configure the SAP system details in SAP GUI and log on. Booyah !!

SAP ABAP 1909 Trial System


Having affordable ABAP access through flexible, lower-cost options can remove the financial barriers to entry for ABAP learning.

  • This makes ABAP learning accessible even with limited training budgets.
  • Pay-per-use and cloud subscription models allow you to keep costs directly aligned to your actual ABAP training and practice requirements.

To gain hands-on experience with SAP ABAP, you may consider setting up a personal SAP development system, accessing a training system, or seeking opportunities for internships or employment where you can work on SAP-related projects. It’s a valuable investment if you’re planning to pursue a career in SAP ABAP development or if you need to work with ABAP for your organization’s SAP implementation.

Enhanced search for OK Code field in SAP GUI 8.0


Searching for transactions and commands just got a whole lot easier with the latest release of SAP GUI 8.0 Patch Level 4. The latest patch level introduces an enhanced search for OK code field, making it faster and simpler to find the transactions and commands you need.

Instead of remembering tcodes or scrolling through long lists, you can now search by transaction name or description right in the command field. The search results will display both matching transaction codes and descriptions, allowing you to select the perfect match. Read on to learn how to enable this exciting new feature and take your SAP GUI experience to the next level.

Enhanced Search for OK code in SAP GUI

Enhanced search for OK Code field in SAP GUI

SAP GUI 8.0 was generally available earlier this year starting from January 27 2023 with new features to streamline the SAP GUI experience.

With Pathlevel 4 release of SAP GUI 8.0, the new enhanced search for OK Code field was introduced. This feature is a optional and need to meet below technical requirements to enable this functionality.

The Enhanced Search feature for command field(OK Code) is not enabled by default in SAP GUI for Windows. It can be activated in the options dialog under Interaction Design > Visualization 2. When enabled, it delivers a combined view of entries from the command history as well as search results matching the entered text. Users can select a transaction code from the results to populate the command field or directly execute the transaction.

Enable Enhanced Search for OK code in SAP GUI

Technical Prerequisites

The enhanced search for OK code field feature requires certain minimum versions on both the SAP GUI and SAP backend in order to function:

  • SAP GUI for Windows – Patch level 4 minimum is required for basic Enhanced Search capabilities. The upcoming patch level with the “See all results” dialog will be the full implementation.
  • SAP_BASIS – The Enhanced Search relies on ABAP functionality that is only available in release 7.55 and higher of the SAP_BASIS component. With older SAP_BASIS releases, the feature will not work.
  • SAP Kernel – Additional kernel extensions are needed. SAP Note 3318625 specifies the minimum required kernel patch level.
  • SAP_BASIS – SAP Note 3318863 provides an ABAP extension needed for the “See all results” dialog.

The Enhanced Search offers three different modes that provide varying levels of automatic searching:

  1. Off – Behavior matches previous versions of SAP GUI, with input history but no search results.
  2. On demand – Only input history is shown by default, but the user can invoke search with CTRL+SHIFT+Q. Allows explicitly triggering search when needed.
  3. On/automatic – Filtered history shown for one character. For 2+ characters, automatic search invoked and results shown. However, certain commands are exempted to prevent interference.

The automatic mode uses logic to distinguish between commands that should not trigger a search and valid transaction codes. For example, “.”, “/o”, and “/n” will not automatically initiate a search, while other transaction codes will after two characters are entered. This intelligent logic aims to provide a seamless user experience.

Keyboard Improvements for Menus

Along with type ahead search feature for OK code field, below additional Keyboard improvements are available for Menus in SAP GUI

  • HOME: Move the selection to the first enabled item on the current menu level
  • END: Move the selection to the last enabled item on the current menu level
  • SPACE: Select the current item
  • SHIFT while SPACE is pressed: Abort the selection process

Planned Improvements

In the initial release in patch level 4, the enhanced search works on the command field but does not yet include a “See all search results” dialog. This dialog will be added in a future patch level update to SAP GUI for Windows 8.00.


Here are the key points about the enhanced search for OK code for transaction codes in SAP GUI for Windows:

  • Introduced in patch level 4 of SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 as an optional feature. Not enabled by default.
  • Allows searching for transaction codes and transaction descriptions in the command field (OK code) field.
  • Requires SAP GUI for Windows patch level 4 minimum.
  • Requires SAP_BASIS release 7.55 minimum on the SAP system.
  • A future patch level will add “See all search results” dialog. SAP Notes 3318863 and 3318625 provide additional ABAP and kernel requirements for the “See all search results” dialog.
  • Three modes: Off (default), On demand (use CTRL+SHIFT+Q to invoke), On/automatically (after 2+ characters entered).
  • Provides combined view of command history and search results. Can execute transactions directly from results.

SAP For Me Incidents/Cases – A Beginners Guide (2023)


Supporting enterprise-scale business software requires providing timely, effective assistance when issues inevitably arise. That’s why SAP recently migrated key support capabilities into its SAP for Me customer portal. SAP for Me incidents/cases offers a streamlined “case” management system to smooth the process of getting technical help from SAP.

For global organizations relying on complex SAP environments, resolving technical issues quickly is critical. By bringing these capabilities into the new SAP for Me portal, SAP aims to improve the user experience and align with ITIL best practices.

Introduction to Cases

Previously, SAP referred to technical support tickets as “incidents.” But according to the ITIL framework, “incident” has a specific meaning that doesn’t quite fit. Instead, ITIL recommends using “case” for specialized issue tracking related to providing technical user support.

With the shift to SAP for Me, SAP adopted the ITIL terminology. Now when customers need troubleshooting help or have questions about an SAP solution, they open a “case.” Cases provide a structured way to capture issue details, communicate with SAP support, and track progress towards resolution.

SAP for Me combines case creation with SAP’s extensive knowledge base to streamline assistance. For common problems, customers may find an immediate answer through AI-driven self-service. But for unique issues, they can initiate a case right within SAP for Me.

Meanwhile, SAP for Me retains ITIL-aligned “service requests” for non-technical assistance like requesting added storage capacity or new software licenses. Keeping service requests distinct from technical cases prevents overlap and improves visibility.

What is the difference between “Incident” and “Case”?

The incidents in SAP ONE Support Launchpad are renamed to Cases in SAP For Me. There is no different between Incident and Case, as stated by SAP its a terminology change to adhere to ITIL standards.

Case is new terminology for incidents and the processes around incident/case creation, viewing, editing have not changed in SAP for Me.

How to view SAP For Me Incidents/Cases

To view cases/incidents created in SAP For Me, navigate to Services & Support > Cases. You can also use any of the below URLs to directly display the cases created in the organization.

SAP For Me Incidents
Open CasesCases created by someone in your organization
My Open CasesYour own cases
Closed Caseswere resolved and confirmed
Draftshave not been sent to SAP yet
Ask an Expert Peerwith a certified expert outside SAP

With this new UI, you’ve got lots of options to customize the list and see just what you need. You can sort and group things however you like, pick the columns to show, and filter down to the stuff that matters most to you. Once you’ve got it how you want it, save that view so you can come back to it anytime. Makes it super easy to flip between your favorite setups. Pretty nifty!

Case/Incident Authorizations

Following authorizations are required to view the SAP For Me incidents/cases on SAP For Me:

  • Display Incidents – To view cases created by you.
  • Display all Incidents – To view cases created by others.

Customized Case Lists

Customizing your case list in SAP For Me is super easy – just follow these tips:

  • First, head to the Services & Support dashboard and click on Cases. This takes you right to your master list.
  • Now you can start filtering to see only what you need. Use the dropdowns at the top to narrow by status, priority, last update date, system, reporter, customer, etc.
  • Once you’ve filtered down, you can also search within that list, download it, sort it, and pick which columns to display. Get it looking perfect!
  • If you want to save the view, click the “Standard” dropdown and select “Save As.” Give your list a name and save it.
  • To tweak your saved list, click “Adapt Filters” and customize to your heart’s content.
  • When you’re happy, just click “Save” on the dropdown next to the list name to lock it in.
  • Now whenever you need that specially filtered list, just select it from the dropdown. So easy!

No more hunting and pecking every time. With a few clicks you can see the exact cases you need.


With everything in one place, customers avoid the frustration of toggling between systems. Creating, tracking and reviewing SAP For Me incidents/cases is now integrated into the same unified portal which is used for other tasks like software downloads and order tracking. The familiar environment, AI guidance and streamlined case initiation simplify the process of getting expert assistance. You can also check the Guided Answer for all your Support Case related issues.

For SAP, migrating support into SAP for Me realizes their vision of a centralized, harmonized user experience. And for customers, the consolidated portal reduces complexity so they can focus on their business rather than navigating SAP systems. By following ITIL principles, SAP for Me delivers a support solution tailored to modern enterprise needs.

20 SAP Purchase Order Tables – Most Important


SAP S/4HANA Materials Management (MM) module has several key tables that store master data and transactional data. These core tables capture the critical information needed for materials planning, procurement, inventory management, and invoice verification. In this post, we will look at some of the major SAP purchase order tables along with other important SAP S/4HANA MM tables organized by sub-module.

SAP Purchase Order Tables

SAP Purchase Order Tables

EKKO and EKPO the important table which stores purchase order header data and line item data respectively. Here are the key SAP purchase order tables in SAP S/4HANA:

EINAPurchasing Info Record: General Data
EKKOPurchase Order Header
EKPOPurchase Order Item
EKBEHistory per Purchasing Order
EKKNAccount Assignment in Purchasing Order
EKPAPartner Roles in Purchasing
T161Purchasing Document Types
T024Purchasing Groups
T024EPurchasing Organizations
T024WValid Purchasing Organizations for Plant
T161TTexts for Purchasing Document Types
T160SAP Transaction Control, Purchasing
T161BDefault Values for Purchasing
T162Field Selection, Purchasing Document
T163Item Categories in Purchasing Document
T167Number Range Management for Purchasing Master Data
T168Screen Control, Purchasing
TMKSCalculation Schemas: Purchasing
TMKTSAP Transaction Control: Conditions in Purchasing
T024ZPurchasing Organizations

The key tables store purchasing info records, purchase orders, account assignments, partners, document types, purchasing groups, organizations, number ranges, screen controls, pricing conditions etc. These core tables capture the key purchasing data in SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement.

Below are the SAP Industry Specific (IS) purchasing related tables

SAP Oil & Gas Downstream Purchasing Tables

OIA03Exchange item data – purchasing side
TOIA8Purchasing copy rules
OIA06HQuantity schedule header table – purchasing side
OIA06Quantity schedule scheduling table – purchasing side
OIH_J1B_PCKBrazil: Check table for tax codes in Purchasing
OIH_J_1BTXIX1Tax calc.: ISS rules for sales and purchasing exeptions
OIH25TDP additional checks for purchasing
TOIJ_EL_INCOMPIS-OIL TSW: Activate incompletion for sales and purchasing
S431PURCHIS: (OIL-TSW) Purchasing document stats by TSW object

SAP Recycling Administration Purchasing Tables

J_7LC192REA Data Filters: Splitting for Purchasing Transactions
J_7LC194REA Data Filters: Transaction-Dep. Purchasing Data Filters

Below are the SAP Logistics purchasing related tables

SAP Logistics Purchasing Tables

CHVW_ARC_2Archive Index: Batch Where-Used Data by Purchasing Document
MTM_ACC_V_CCODEMtM Accounting: Default Purchasing Organizations and Groups
TB2BCTrading Contract: Purchasing Grouping
TB2BCTTrading Contract: Purchasing Grouping Description
TWCBCPRULE_MWCB: Purchasing-Side Copy Control
S080Purchasing: Movements
S082Purchasing: Movements + Stock
S081Purchasing: Stock
S011PURCHIS: Purchasing Group Statistics
S011BIW1S011BIW1 * PURCHIS: Purchasing Group Statistics
S011BIW2S011BIW2 * PURCHIS: Purchasing Group Statistics
S012BIW1S012BIW1 * Purchasing
S012BIW2S012BIW2 * Purchasing
S275BIW1S275BIW1 * Transfer to BW: Purchasing Data
S275BIW2S275BIW2 * Transfer to BW: Purchasing Data
LFM1Vendor master record purchasing organization data
LFM2Vendor Master Record: Purchasing Data
T405Purchasing Value Key
FSH_SLOG_MMSeason Determination Log storage for Purchasing Document
WRF_PRI_COND_EKPRICAT Inbound: Create Purchasing Conditions
DMF_PO_CUSTDDF Purchasing Organization Customizing
FSH_GRID_ITEMFashion Grid control data for sales and purchasing
MMSITEREFPlant grouping for purchasing
FIP_D_SP_PURFIP — Area of Responsibility — Purchasing table
WSTN_PP_PURCHPrepack definition – Purchasing price table
T026ZAssignement of purchasing group to purchasing area
T026TLanguage-dependent purchasing area
T026Purchasing Area
EDMMSAssignment of EDI partner to purchasing org. and plant
WRFT_POHF_EKGRPCross-Purchasing-Group Purchasing in Seasonal Procurement
WRFT_APC_PSCDItem Date Settings in Purchasing Lists
WRF_APC_PLIPOAPC: Purchasing List Item Prepack Information
WRF_APC_PAPURPlanned Article Purchasing Data and Prices
WRF_APC_PLASPurchasing List Assigned Quantities
WRF_APC_PLHTPurchasing List Description
WRF_APC_PLHPurchasing List Header Data
WRF_APC_IBIDPurchasing List Inbound Interface Detailed Totals
WRF_APC_IBITPurchasing List Inbound Interface Totals
WRF_APC_PLIPurchasing List Items
WRF_APC_PLPLPurchasing List Planned Data
WRF_APC_PLPOQPurchasing List Purchase Order Quantities
WRF_APC_PLDCPurchasing List Supplying DCs
WRF_APC_WLPLWorklist of Purchasing List Items for Follow-Up Processes
TBSGTPurchasing Documents: Reasons for Ordering: Texts
EINSGTPurchasing Info Record: Segmentation Specific Data


Congrats!! now you have the most important list of SAP purchase order tables.