In this blog post, you will learn about the SAP FI Account Receivable tables which you can use in SAP S/4HANA implementation projects.
What is SAP FI Account Receivable (AR)?
Accounts Receivable is an SAP FI submodule that manages and records all customer accounting data. It is in charge of customer invoicing, approvals, payments, and other related tasks.
Accounting data of all customers is recorded and maintained by the Accounts Receivable application component. Any changes made in Accounts Receivable are reflected in the General Ledger G/L. To handle customer/vendor overdue and payments, the Accounts Receivable submodule includes a plethora of reporting and forecasting options.
It also provides data for effective credit management (due to its tight interface with the Sales and Distribution component), as well as critical information for optimizing liquidity planning in Cash Management.
List of SAP FI Accounts Receivable Tables
Below is the complete list of SAP FI Accounts Receivables module tables. There are 137 tables and these are used in standard ABAP reports, Fiori apps, ABAP CDS Views, etc.
SAP FI Basic Functions (FI-AR-AR) Tables
Table | Description |
T056B | Transaction Types |
T179T | Materials: Product hierarchies: Texts |
T014 | Credit control areas |
KNKK | Customer master credit management: Control area data |
TPRIT | Customers: Delivery Priority: Texts |
SMFIAR | Spec. FI-SL Data in Monitor (See Schedman_specific_fisl) |
TSAB | Contact persons: standard departments |
T014T | Credit control area names |
T024B | Credit management: Credit representative groups |
T691A | Credit management risk categories |
T691T | Credit management risk classes text |
KNVD | Customer master record sales request form |
BSIW | Index table for customer bills of exchange used |
BSIX | Index table for customer bills of exchange used |
T060O | Evaluation views for A/R and A/P information system |
T060S | Evaluation views for A/R and A/P information system |
T691B | Credit Management Groups |
T687 | Account Determination: Account Key |
T056F | Reference interest rates |
NKAP | Number Range for Contact Partner |
T014N | New credit control areas to be set up |
TFBWD | Personal Customizing for Transaction FBWD |
TFBWE | Personal Customizing for Transaction FBWE |
T001CM | Permitted Credit Control Areas per Company Code |
T060B | Texts for T060A – evaluatn types in A/R and A/P info system |
T056T | Text table for transaction types(int.calc.reports) |
T056A | Time-dependent conditions |
T056X | Text table for interest indicators |
T060 | Rules for A/R and A/P information system |
TINPA | Sales Documents: Index Updating for Business Partner |
TVPT | Sales Documents: Item categories |
T056U | Control table for calculation of interest on arrears |
KNKKF1 | Credit Management: FI Status Data |
T691C | Credit management group names |
KNKKF2 | Credit Management: Open Items by Days in Arrears |
T000CM | Client-specific FI-AR-CR settings |
T045L | Charges table for bill/ex.presentation (country-specific) |
T060U | Description of evaluation views for A/R and A/P info system |
T045DTA | DME file check table for bill of exchange presentation |
T061A | Development Partner |
KNKA | Customer master credit management: Central data |
TINSB | Alternative Bank Accounts for Program RFBITB01 |
RFRR | Accounting data – A/R and A/P information system |
T687T | Account Determination: Account Key Texts |
TRERI | Additional days for remaining risk posting |
TPAKD | Business Partner: Valid Acct Groups per Partner Function |
T045F | Bank selection for bill of exchange presentation |
T045G | Bank charges table for bill of exchange presentation |
T045D | Available amounts for bill of exchange presentation |
T056 | Interest Indicator |
TPTMT | Materials: Item Category Groups in Mat.Master: Texts |
TVSMT | Materials: Statistics groups: Texts |
T060A | Evaluation types in A/R and A/P information system |
T060T | Evaluation names in the FI information system |
T045B | Expense/Bank Accounts and Tax Codes for Bill Presentation |
TINSO | Failed Payment Transactions and Charges |
T061P | FI-ARI: External partner products |
T061Q | FI-ARI: External partner products (texts) |
T061R | FI-ARI: Active external partner products |
T061S | FI-ARI: Functions for external partners |
T061V | FI-ARI: Texts for external partner functions |
T056D | Form names for interest for days overdue |
T056C | Fixed Amounts in Interest Calculation |
T056L | Function modules for int.transaction types |
SAP FI Accounts Receivable (FI-AR) Tables
Table | Description |
FAR_DP_PSP_CD | Payment Service Providers |
FAR_DP_SCEN_DEF | Scenarios for Digital Payment Add On |
FIN_EDI_STRIG | Trigger table: send accounting document related EDI messages |
FIN_EDI_TRIG | Trigger table: send payment run related EDI messages |
FAR_DP_DC_CLASS | Classification of Card Type as Direct Capture |
FAR_DP_SCEN_COMP | Components of a Scenario for Digital Payment Add On |
FAR_DP_SCEN_DEFT | Description for Digital Payments Addon Scenarios |
FAR_DP_PMT | deprecated – Digital Payments – Payment Methods |
FAR_DP_PMTPSP | deprecated – Digital Payments – PSP for Payment Method |
FAR_DP_PMT_PSP | deprected – please use Table FAR_DP_PMTPSP |
FAR_DP_PMT_T | deprecated – Digital Payment Methods Texttable |
FAR_DP_PSP | deprecated – Payment Service Providers |
FAR_DP_DET_OP | Determination of Digital Payment Tenant for On Premise |
FAR_DP_CHRG_TAX | Digital Payments add-on: Tax code for charge posings |
FAR_DP_PMTPSP_CD | Digital Payments – PSP for Payment Method |
FAR_DP_PMT_CD | Digital Payments – Payment Methods |
FAR_DP_PMT_CD_T | Digital Payment Methods Texttable |
FAR_DP_ACT | Activation of Digital Payments Addon |
FIN_BNKCON_API_A | Activate Bank Connectivity APIs |
FAR_DP_ACT_SCEN | Active Scenarios for Digital Payments Addon |
FIN_DME_O_IDX | AIF Index table for outgoing API: Bank Connectivity |
FIN_PMF_I_IDX | AIF Index table for inbound API: Bank Connectivity |
FAR_PA_EMAIL_CON | Integration of Email service in Manage Payment Advices |
FAR_PA_ML_CONF | Machine learning configuration for Manage Payment Advices |
FAR_DP_T100_MAP | Mapping from SAP digital payments add-on to T100 |
FIN_EDI_PYMTMTHD | Mapping from external to internal Payment Method |
CRMD_CCM_LINK | Link from payment item to claim chargeback recovery in CRM |
SAP FI AR Dunning/Interest (FI-AR-AR-C) Tables
Table | Description |
FIALOG | Activity log |
T047M | Dunning areas |
T040 | Dunning keys |
T040A | Dunning key names |
T047B | Dunning level control |
T047S | Name of grouping rules |
T047E | Form selection for dunning notices |
T047R | Grouping rules for dunning notices |
MAHNS | Accounts blocked by dunning selection |
T040S | Blocking reasons for dunning notices |
INTITHE | Until When Was Interest Calculated for Item? |
MHNKA | Version administration of dunning changes |
T047F | Sorting of dunning letters |
T047I | Standard texts for dunning notices |
T001T | Company code-dependent texts |
T056Y | Assign special G/L indicator to interest indicator |
INTITPF | Interest Data per Form and Posting |
INTITIT | Interest Calculation Details per Item |
T056S | Interest scale interest terms (acct |
T047H | Marginal amounts |
T047FSL | Last-Used Additional Selection for Dunning |
MHNEX | Exception List for Dunning Run |
MHNDO | Dunning data version before the next change |
T047T | Dunning procedure names |
MHNK | Dunning data (account entries) |
MHNKO | Dunning data (acct entries) version before the next change |
T040T | Dunning block reason names |
T047C | Dunning charges |
T047N | Dunning area texts |
T047D | Form selection for legal dunning proceedings |
INTITFX | Fixed Interest Amounts per Invoice |
SAP FI AR Correspondence (FI-AR-AR-CR) Tables
Table | Description |
FFO_BLNC_D_ROOT | Balance Confirmation Header |
FFO_BLNC_D_CUST | Select options for customers |
FFO_BLNC_D_SUPP | Select options for suppliers |
FFO_BLNC_D_TBAL | Select Options Total Balance |
FFO_BLNC_D_SGL | Special General Ledger Code |
SAP FI AR Payment Transactions (FI-AR-AR-PT) Tables
Table | Description |
FSEPA_INST_SL | Priority Rules for Local Instrument and Lead Times |
T028Y_SEPA | Returns Activities: Change Mandate Status |
FSEPA_REFTYPE | SEPA Mandate: Permitted Contract Types |
FSEPA_REFTYPET | SEPA Mandate: Text Table for Permitted Contract Types |
SEPA_MNDID_FM | SEPA Mandate ID: Generate Function Modules |
SEPA_MNDID_FM_T | SEPA Mandate ID: Function Module for Generating Mandate IDs |
SEPA_NR_CUST | SEPA Mandate Reference ID: Number Range Customizing |
FSEPA_INST_CD | Local Instrument and Lead Times for SEPA Direct Debits |