SAP FI Asset Accounting Tables (2023)


SAP ECC or S/4HANA Asset Accounting (FI-AA) component is used to manage and supervise fixed assets. It acts as a secondary ledger to General Ledger in Financial Accounting, providing specific information on transactions involving fixed assets.

Below is the full list of SAP FI Asset Accounting tables by sub-modules used in SAP ECC or SAP S/4HANA system. We believe following tables are available in all SAP S/4HANA versions.

Asset Accounting (FI-AA)

AAACC_EXCLException Table for Account Assignment Settings in FI-AA
AAACC_OBJAccount Assignment Settings in Asset Accounting
AAACC_OBJ_ERRTypes of Error During Check of Acct Assignment in FI-AA
APERB_ITEMSLog Table for Dep. Areas Posted Directly to FI
APERB_PROTLog Table for Periodic Posting
BWFIAA_AEDAT_ABFIAA-BW: Modified Valuation Area Data for Delta Upload
BWFIAA_AEDAT_ASFIAA-BW: New and Modified Master Records for Delta Upload
BWFIAA_AEDAT_TRFIAA-BW: New and Modified Transactions for Delta Upload
BWFIAA_AEDAT_XXFIAA-BW: Initial Upload of Deprec. Values for Delta Upload
FAAC_SIL_MAPImplementation of a New Ledger – Area Mapping
FAAT_ARCHIVE_LOGFixed Asset Protocol table of archive files
FAAT_DOC_ITStatistical Line Item in Asset Accounting
FAAT_PLAN_VALUESPlanned Depreciations and Revaluations
FAAT_UOFixed Asset: Usage Object
FAAT_UO_PERIODFixed Asset: Period Units of Usage Object
FAAT_UO_TOTALFixed Asset: Total Units of Usage Object
FAAT_YDDAYear-Dependent Attributes for Depreciation
FAA_TENV_TCMGTManagement Table for Test Cases
T093_ACCOBJAccount Assignment Objects in Asset Accounting
T093_ACCOBJTTexts for Account Assignment Objects in Asset Accounting
T093_MAP_ACCMapping Table for Alternative Company Codes
T095A_MAPCustomizing Table for Account Maintenance (Instead of T095)
TFAAC_ACI_DTDetermine document type from operational document
TFAAD_BSN_FUNCValidation of Business Function Switches for FI-AA

Basic Functions (FI-AA-AA)

ANEAAsset Line Items for Proportional Values
ANEKDocument Header Asset Posting
ANEPAsset Line Items
ANEVAsset downpymt settlement
ANGTAsset catalog text table
ANKAAsset classes: general data
ANKAZAsset class: extension for technical fields
ANKBAsset class: depreciation area
ANKLGeneration table for generating asset classes from accounts
ANKLAYAsset class: Assignment of tab layouts
ANKLAYPAsset class: Assignment of tab layouts
ANKPAsset classes: Fld Cont Dpndnt on Chart of Depreciation
ANKTAsset classes: Description
ANKVAsset classes: insurance types
ANLAAsset Master Record Segment
ANLBDepreciation terms
ANLBZATime-Dependent Depreciation Terms
ANLBZWAsset-specific base values
ANLCAsset Value Fields
ANLHMain asset number
ANLPAsset Periodic Values
ANLQPeriod values from dep. posting run per posting level
ANLTAsset Texts
ANLUAsset Master Record: User Fields
ANLVInsurance data
ANLWInsurable values (year dependent)
ANLXAsset Master Record Segment
ANLZTime-Dependent Asset Allocations
FAAASSETIDAssignment Table – Asset Key to Asset GUID
FAAC_ACCTASN0Settings for Account Assignment Objects in Asset Accounting
FAAC_ACCTASN0_TTexts for Account Assignment Objects in AA
FAAC_ACCTASN1AAccount Assignment Settings in AA for accounting principle
FAAC_ACCTASN1CAccount Assignment Settings in AA for Company Code
FAAC_ACCTDET0Definition of Account Determination
FAAC_ACCTDET0_TDescription of account determination
FAAC_ACCTDET1VAccount Determination for Depreciation Areas
FAAC_ACLS0Asset Class: General Settings
FAAC_ACLS0_TDescription of Asset Class
FAAC_ACLS1AAsset Class: Default Settings for Valuation View
FAAC_ACLS1CAsset Class: Default Settings for Company Code
FAAC_ACLS2CYAsset Class: Assignment of Tab Layout for company code
FAAC_AMOUNT0FIAA: Amount Specification
FAAC_AP0FI-AA: Accounting Principle Settings
FAAC_CMP0AA specific settings for company code
FAAC_CMP_DA0Assign Depr. Area to company code
FAAC_CMP_DA0_TDescription of Depreciation Area
FAAC_LAYOUT0Master Data Layout
FAAC_LAYOUT0_TMaster Data Layout Text
FAAC_LAYOUT1FMaster Data Layout
FAAC_T093_EMUEmulation of parallel currency depr. area
FAAC_VALVIEW0Valuation Views: Definition
FAAC_VALVIEW0_TDescription of Valuation Views
FAAC_VALVIEW1AAssignment Valuation View to Accounting Principle
FAAC_VALVIEW2ASSpecify source valuation view for calculated valuation view
FAAI_FIELD0Layout Fields
FAAI_FIELD0_TTexts for Layout Fields
FAAI_FIELD1PTechnical Fields and Position
FAAI_SLALIT0Slalittype Metadata
FAAI_SLALIT1MAllowed Slalittype Movcat Combinations
FAAT_CMPFixed Asset Company Code
FAAT_CMP_DAFAA Company Code: Depreciation Area Settings
FAAT_CMP_LDTFAA Company Code: Legacy Data Transfer Settings
FAAT_CMP_LEDGERFAA Company Code: Ledger Settings
FAAT_MDFixed Asset Master: Time Independent Data
FAAT_MD_LDFixed Asset Master: Ledger
FAAT_MD_ROOTFixed Asset Master: Root Segment
FAAT_MD_TDDFixed Asset Master: Time Dependent Data
FAAT_MD_VALFixed Asset Master: Valuation
FAAT_MD_VAL_TDDFixed Asset Master: Time Dependent Data for Valuation
FAAT_MD_VAL_YDDAFixed Asset Master: Year-Dependent Attributes for Valuation
SMFIAASpec. FI-AA Data in Monitor (see Schedman_specific_fiaa)
T080AStructure definition work list suffix
T082Field group authorization assets
T082AField string asset master record maintenance
T082AVIEW0Entity Table for Asset Views
T082AVIEW0TText Tables for Asset Views
T082AVIEW1View Authorization for Asset Master Data Fields
T082AVIEW2View Authorization for Asset Depreciation Area Fields
T082AVIEWBView Authorization for Depreciation Areas
T082AVIEWTRANSGAssignment of Transaction Group to Asset View
T082BField groups assets definition
T082EDescription asset views
T082FField groups asset data
T082GField strings for screen selection asset master data.
T082HField string name: Asset master data maintenance
T082ICreate takeover rules from transfer for master data
T082JCreate takeover rules from transfer for master data: areas
T082LSummary of logical field groups
T082MDescription for logical field groups
T082SDynpro control of the views
T082TNames For Field Groups
T083LLeasing types
T083SLeasing types-Description
T083TDescription of leasing cycle
T084Incorrect assets
T085Investment support measures
T085PInvestment support: Default and check table
T085SDescription of individual investment support measures
T085ZCapital investment grants with time-dependent percentages
T086Sort version Reporting
T086TNames for Reporting Sort Versions
T087Evaluation groups
T087GEvaluation group 8 places
T087IReason for investment
T087KReason for investment protecting the environment
T087LText table for reasons for environmental investments
T087STest table for evaluation group 8 places
T087TDescription of Evaluation Groups
T087UAsset group number / asset group
T087VText table asset group number / asset group
T089One-Time Revaluation on Key Date
T089TText table for T089 (appreciations)
T090Depreciation calculation keys
T090APeriod control dep. calculation
T090CExternal depreciation keys
T090IDepreciation simulation (Reporting)
T090LUnit-of-production method of depreciation
T090MTable for maximum depreciation amounts
T090MIGFI-AA: Calculation Methods Were Migrated
T090NADepreciation Keys
T090NATNames of Depreciation Keys
T090NAZDepreciation Keys – Method Assignment
T090NDDeclining-Balance Method
T090NDTName for Declining-Balance Method
T090NHMaximum Amount Method
T090NHTName for Maximum Amount Method
T090NH_METHMaximum Amount Method
T090NPPeriod Control Method
T090NPTName of Period Control Method
T090NRBase Method
T090NRTBase Method
T090NSMultilevel Method
T090NSGMulti-Level Method – Start of Validity
T090NSKMultilevel Method
T090NSTName of Multi-Level Methods
T090PDep. calc. key percentage records
T090RPeriod control rules for transactions
T090SNames For Internal Calculation Keys
T090TNames For External Depreciation Keys
T090UTexts on depreciation simulation versions
T090VName for period control in transactions
T090WShort Texts for Depreciation Trace
T090YWeighting of depreciation periods
T090ZPeriod control for transactions
T091Cut-off value key
T091CTranslation methods for Asset Accounting
T091PCut-off val. percent. rates
T091SText for translation methods
T091TNames for Cut-Off Value Keys
T092Property classification key
T092TDescription of the Property Classification Key
T093Real and derived depreciation areas
T093AReal depreciation area
T093BCompany code-related depreciation area specifications
T093B_RSLCompany Code-Related Depreciation Area Specifications
T093CCompany codes in Asset Accounting
T093C_RSLDefault Values for Depreciation Key in Company Code
T093DControl dep. posting
T093FCheck rules dep. calc. (not used!)
T093GCross-System Depreciation Areas
T093GTTexts for Cross-System Depreciation Areas
T093HAssignment of FI-AA Line Item Schema
T093NNumber assignment alloc. AA
T093RControl Table for Archiving in Asset Accounting
T093SValue Field Names for Depreciation Areas
T093SBSubstitution for Asset Management / Company Code
T093TNames for real and derived depreciation areas
T093UOptions for asset legacy data transfer
T093VValidation for Asset Management / Company Code
T093YShortened fiscal year
T093_BSN_FUNCERP Business Function for FI-AA
T094Index Figures for Replacement Values
T094AIndex series for replacement values
T094BAllowed base years per index series
T094CIndex Class
T094PIndex Figures for Replacement Values
T094SNames for Index Classes
T094TIndex series names
T095Balance sheet accounts for depreciation areas
T095AAccount allocation
T095BG/L accounts value adjustment
T095CFI-AA Standard Account Determination
T095PReconcil.accts. derived dep. areas
T095TName for account groups
T095_ACITechnical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisition
T096Chart of depreciation
T096TChart of depreciation texts
T097Property indicator
T097JPFI-AA: Percentage rates for property valuation Japan
T097TDescription of the Property Indicator
T098Basis manual property evaluation
T098TDescription of the reasons for manual property values
T099Insurance types
T099AInsurance companies
T099BInsurance premiums
T099TDescription of Insurance Types
T099UInsurance Companies Description
T099VInsurance Tariff Description
TA1MLine Item Schema
TA1MTText Table for Line Item Schema
TA1MZLine Item Schema
TA1TVAsset Transfer Variant
TA1TVBDetermination of the Asset Transfer Method
TA1TVTAsset Transfer Variant
TAAPM1Assignment for Field Link between FI-AA and PM
TAAPM1TAssignment for Field Link between FI-AA and PM
TAAPM2Link from FI-AA to PM: Assignment of Fields
TABADepreciation posting documents
TABASLogging of periodic posting runs in FI-AA
TABBRRules for determining asset value date
TABBTNames of the rules for determining the asset value date
TABVAVariants for determining asset value date
TABVATNames of variants for determining asset value date
TABVODetermine asset value date in Asset Accounting transactions
TABWAsset transaction types
TABWATransaction types/dep. areas
TABWBTransaction types AuC (no longer used)
TABWDDefault transaction types for FI-AA posting transactions
TABWD_FTCFields Used for Table Controls on Asset Postings
TABWD_VIDEntity Table for Table TABWD
TABWD_VITText Table for Table TABWD_VID
TABWGTransaction type groups
TABWHName for asset transaction type groups
TABWIAllowed asset classes per transaction type group
TABWKTrans. types for posting prop. values and depreciation
TABWMAsgnmt. hist. sheet (sub)groups to asset history sheet item
TABWNItem Titles in the Asset History Sheet
TABWONames for the asset history sheet versions
TABWPEntity table for asset history sheet versions
TABWTAsset transaction types texts
TABWUSpecial Treatment of Retirements
TABWVDefault transaction types
TCREPCATT-Test Reporting – Check of logical databases
TFAA_PC_PSAssignment Process -> Subprocess
TFAA_PC_PTProcess Names
TFAA_PC_P_STEPAssignment of Processes -> Process Steps
TFAA_PC_SMAssignment of Subprocess to Processing Methods/Modules
TFAA_PC_STSubprocess Names
TFAA_PC_STEPProcess Steps (Entity Table)
TFAA_PC_STEPTProcess Steps (Text Table)

Asset Maintenance (FI-AA-AA-MA)

TAMLAY0Tab pages in master data: Tab layouts
TAMLAY0TTab pages in master data: Tab layout descriptions
TAMLAY1Tab pages in master data: Tab titles of layout
TAMLAY1TTabs in Master Data: Tab Index Titles
TAMLAY2Tab pages in master data: Assignment of group boxes
TAMLAYATabs in master data: Applications
TAMLAYATTab pages in master data: Descript. of master data objects
TAMLAYBTab pages in master data: Group boxes
TAMLAYBTTab pages in master data: Descriptions of group boxes

Transfer Postings (FI-AA-AA-TR-TP)

J_1AAFORMPAssignment of document Form to movement reason AA waybills
J_1AAWAYBLWay Bills for asset movements

Information System (FI-AA-IS)

FAAC_KFCReporting Key Figures
FAAC_KFCSETKey Figure Groups of Asset Accounting
FAAC_KFCSETSPECTKey Figure (Columns) Names
FAAC_KFCSETTTexts for Key Figure Variants
FAAC_KFCSET_SPECKey Figure Groups of Asset Accounting
FAAC_KFCTText Table for Technical Reporting Key Figure Codes
FAAC_KFC_AMCTransactionType Categories for Analytics
FAAC_KFC_AMCTDescription of Transaction Type Categories
FAAC_KFC_AMC_DETMovement category determination from transaction type
FAAC_KFC_HIERFixed Asset Key Figure Hierarchy
FAAC_KFC_HIERNFixed Asset Key Figure Hierarchy Nodes
FAAC_KFC_HIERNTFixed Asset Key Figure Hierarchy Nodes Text
FAAC_KFC_HIERTFixed Asset Key Figure Hierarchy Text
FAAC_KFC_MC_DETMovement category determination from transaction type
FAAC_KFC_SPECAllowed Entry Reporting Key Figure via SLALITTYPE & MOVCAT
FAAI_KFSCONTEXTAnalytical context of key figure set
FAAI_KFSCONTEXTTApplication Context of Key Figure Variant
T086ACall up of AM reports per transaction function
T088Selection Table for Italian Asset Register
T090XSimulation Versions
TABWQAsset hist. sheet group
TABWRName of asset hist. sheet group

Handling of Inflation (FI-AA-SVA-HI)

J_1AAA1Definition of revaluation
J_1AAA2Revaluation Key
J_1AAA2MMethods fore period control of transactions
J_1AAA2MTPeriod control methods description
J_1AAA2TInflation Adjustment AA – Revaluation Key Text
J_1AAA5Transaction types excluded from revaluation
J_1AAA5ATransaction Types exluded from RV-adjustment
J_1AAOLDTAInflation Adjustment AA – Historic transact. period Balances
J_1AAT089Revaluation area assignment
J_1APROLOGLog table for Inflation Adjustment Programs

Congrats! now you have full list of SAP FI Asset accounting tables that you can use in your project, we also provided links to each individual tables to know more about each table.

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