Getting started guide to SAP HANA Cloud database


Dear SAPLearners, in this blog post we will learn how to get SAP HANA Cloud database in SAP Cloud Platform Trial.

What is SAP HANA Cloud Database?

It is a cloud-native database platform providing single access to all your data. Test-drive the powerful features of SAP HANA Cloud and see how you can extend your on-premise landscape to the cloud with our hybrid data strategy. by SAP

SAP Cloud Platform Environment

It is available only in Cloud Foundry environment.

Step-by-Step Procedure

1. Log On to SAP Cloud Platform trial Cloud Foundry environment.

Also Read: How to create HANA Database in SCP Neo Environment.

2. Navigate to Subaccount. On left navigation menu choose Entitlements and then click on Configure Entitlements.

SAP HANA Cloud Trial Instance Step1

3. Click on Add Service Plans.

SAP HANA Cloud Trial Instance Step2

4. On Subaccount trail – Entitlements window, search for hana and choose SAP HANA Cloud. Select all available plans.

SAP HANA Cloud Trial Instance Step3

5. Click on Save to save the service plan changes.

SAP HANA Cloud Trial Instance Step4

6. Under Spaces, click on the “dev” space. Click on “SAP HANA Cloud” in the left navigation menu and create an instance.

SAP HANA Cloud Trial Instance Step5

7. A Create Instance wizard will start, provide Instance Credentials details.

SAP HANA Cloud Trial Instance Step6

8. Under SAP HANA instance memory and storage parameters step, leave all values to defaults. But you can change as per your requirements.

SAP HANA Cloud Trial Instance Step7

9. Under Data Lake step, we will leave all values to defaults.

SAP HANA Cloud Trial Instance Step8

10. Under Advances Setting step, you have to three options to choose. All these options allows to connect SAP HANA Cloud database in different ways.

SAP HANA Cloud Trial Instance Step9

11. After couple of minutes, your SAP HANA instance will ready.

SAP HANA Cloud Trial Instance Step10


Congrats! 😊 you have successfully learned how to get SAP HANA Cloud trial database. In coming hands-on tutorials we will explore different features.

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