SAP Flexible Workflow TCodes

SAP Flexible Workflow is a new concept in SAP S/4HANA that aims to make workflow configuration simpler. It is suggested that we employ S/4HANA’s new Flexible Workflow capabilities. A set of established workflow situations and tasks underpin the flexible workflow. This gives you the ability to create condition-based workflows for various processes in the system.

The following are the important SAP Flexible Workflow transaction codes

F2190Manage Workflows
F2787Manage Workflow Templates
F3067Manage Workflow Scenarios
SWF_FLEX_SWI2_SC_BGScenario Background Tasks Analysis
SWF_FLEX_SWI2_SC_BG2Scenario Background Tasks Analysis
SWF_FLEX_SWI2_SC_DIScenario Dialog Tasks Analysis
SWF_FLEX_SWI2_SC_DI2Scenario Dialog Tasks Analysis
SWF_FLEX_SWI2_SC_WFScenario Workflows Analysis
SWF_FLEX_SWI2_SC_WF2Scenario Workflows Analysis
SWF_FLEX_SWPCContinue Scenario After System Crash
SWF_FLEX_SWPC_2Continue Scenario After System Crash
SWF_FLEX_SWPRRestart Scenario After Error
SWF_FLEX_SWPR_2Restart Scenario After Error
SBWP_GPSAP Business Workplace for GP
SWF_CREATE_WITEXTCreate Work Item Texts
SWF_DEBUGEdit Workflow Breakpoints
SWF_DEMO_READYWorkflow Demo Readiness Check
SWF_GPGuided Procedures
SWF_WIEVTADMManaging Work Item Events
F0862My Inbox
SWF_TCM_CFG_FLTRTCM Workflow Task Filter configurati
SWF_TCM_MIGR_CFGMigrate Decision Options
SWF_CPWF_DESTMaintain CPWF Integrat. Destinations
SWF_CPWF_DEST_DISPDisplay CPWF Integrat. Destinations
SWF_CPWF_MONSAP WF Service Integration Monitor