SAP ABAP TCodes – Helpful List (2023)

This blog post provides a comprehensive list of over 2,000 transaction codes used in SAP’s ABAP programming language. These SAP ABAP Tcodes allow users to access various functions and features in the SAP system.


Below is the extensive list of ABAP transaction codes that are useful for SAP implementation and support teams. Each Tcode has a short description of what it is used for. For example, SE16 allows you to view database tables, SE38 is the ABAP editor.

SAP Batch Input TCodes (BC-ABA-SC)

Tcode Description
SBDC_APP_AREAS Maintenance Batch Input Appl. Areas
SDMSK Data Masking
SHDB Batch Input Transaction Recorder
SM35 Batch Input Monitoring
SM35P Batch Input: Log Monitoring
SM35PSA Batch Input: Logs in My Area
SM35PSM Batch Input: My Logs
SM35SA Batch Input Sessions in My Area
SM35SJ Batch Input Sessions of a Job
SM35SM My Batch Input Sessions
SM38 Queue Maintenance Transaction
ST20 Screen Trace
ST20LC Layout Check

SAP Selection Screens and Variants TCodes (BC-ABA-TO)

Tcode Description
stvarv Selection variable maint. (TVARV)
stvarvc Edit TVARVC in Client ‘000’
s_bin_67000023 IMG Activity: TVARV-0001
varch Change report variant
vard Display report variant

SAP Transaction Variant TCodes (BC-ABA-TV)

Tcode Description
shd0 Transaction and Screen Variants
shd0_mandt Client-Specific Tr. Variants
shd1 Internal: Variant transaction call
shdg Global Fields: Change and Display
shdi Transaction Variant Image Archive
shds Internal: Save transaction variant
shd_check Test Screen Variants and GuiXT
shd_switch Activate Standard Variant User
stctrl_copy Copy Table Control User Settings
stcup Table control variants upgrade

SAP XML Processing TCodes (BC-ABA-XML)

Tcode Description
sstdemo1 Simple Transformations Demo: Flights
sstdemo2 XSLT and ST Demo: Flights
stdemo Demo: XML / JSON via ID / XSLT / ST
sxslt XSLT Tester
xslt XSLT tester

Congrats!!, now you have extensive list of SAP ABAP tcodes that are useful for SAP implementation and support teams.