Home S/4 HANA tables SAP FI Bank Accounting Tables

SAP FI Bank Accounting Tables


What is SAP FI Bank Accounting?

SAP FI Bank Accounting(FI-BL) component is responsible for accounting transactions with banks. It handles bank master data, Bank Chains known as Multi-Stage Payment Methods, Checks Management, Bills of Exchange Management, and Payment Transactions including the creation and processing of incoming and outgoing payments. For a comprehensive list of SAP FI Accounting Tables continue reading

The main component of SAP FI Bank Accounting is FI-BL and below are the sub-components

  • FI-BL (Bank Accounting)
  • FI-BL-MD (Master Data)
  • FI-BL-MD-BK (Bank Master Data)
  • FI-BL-PT (Payment Transactions)
  • FI-BL-PT-AP (Automatic Payments)
  • FI-BL-PT-BS-EL (Electronic Bank Statement)

Important Tables in SAP FI Bank Accounting

ACRELATIONRelationships in Accounting
BSEGCDocument: Data on Payment Card Payments
BUSPROC_FCT_FIEBFIEB: Function Modules for Business Process
CCENQPayment cards: Primary table for lock object EFCCENQ
DFPAY_DYN_SELPayment Medium Format: Dynamic Selections for Variant
DFPAY_XRELPayment Medium Format: Selection variant Maintenance
DFPAYGPayment date: Grouping
DFPAYHTNote to Payee and Payment Advice Note Texts
DFPAYMENT_KEY_IDContains ID for Payment Data Key
DFPAYVPayment Medium: Selection Variants
DFPM_AUTHPayment medium: Authorization Check Origin Active
F111GGlobal Settings: Payment Program for Payment Requests
F111PARAM_MODIFYNote whether RF_F111_PARAMETERS_MODIFY_ONCE has already run
FDZACash Management line items in payment requests
FEB_ACCNT_SAVESaving of Posting Lines for Postprocessing (Account Assign.)
FEB_ACTAcct Assignment Templates
FEB_ACTTDescriptions of Account Assignment Templates
FEB_AVIR_EXTDAdvice Note Subitem Enhancement (Bank Statement Postproc.)
FEB_FILEPATHClient-Dependent Definition of Logical File Paths
FEB_FILEPATHTDescription of Logical File Paths
FEB_IMP_FORMATBank Statement Formats for Automatic Import
FEB_IMP_FORMATTFormat Description
FEB_IMP_POSTPosting Parameters for Electronic Bank Statement
FEB_IMP_SELOPTSelection Options of Posting Parameters
FEB_IMP_SOURCEInformation about Import for Electronic Bank Statement
FEB_IMP_STRUCTFormat-Specific Parameter Structures
FEB_IMP_TRANPATHTransfer Paths for Logical Bank Statement Files
FEB_IMP_TRANSTransfer of Logical Bank Statement Files
FEB_ITEM_SAVESaving of Posting Items for Postprocessing (On Account)
FEB_OI_ALGAlgorithms for finding Open Items
FEB_OI_ALG_POpen Item Algorithm Parameters
FEB_OI_ALG_P_TOpen Item Algorithm Parameters
FEB_OI_ALG_PDOpen Item Algorithm Fixed Value Definition
FEB_OI_ALG_PD_TOpen Item Algo fixed value parameter text
FEB_OI_ALG_PVOpen Item Algorithm Parameter Values
FEB_OI_ALG_PV_TOpen Item Algorithm Parameter Values Text
FEB_OI_ALG_TAlgorithms for finding Open Items Text
FEB_PARMT_POSTPosting Parameters for Postprocessing
FEB_REPRO_AVCOSTAverage Cost to Reprocess an Incoming Payment
FEB_REPRO_RRCReprocessing Reason Code
FEB_REPRO_RRCTReprocessing Reason Text
FEB_TATYP_CTransaction - Customer Adjustment
FEB_TATYP_TTransaction Text
FEB_TATYP_TCTransaction Text - Customer Adjustment
FEBIPPosting Parameters for Postprocessing
FEBKO_TRANSFERTransferred Bank Statements
FEBRE_ORIGOriginal Ref. Record for an Elec. Bank Statement Line Item
FIBL_CLRG_RGSTRYRegistry for bank ledger clearing service
FIBL_RPCODEMaster Data for Repetitive Code
FIBL_RPCODE_GRELAssign Repetitive Codes/Groups
FIBL_RPCODE_GROUGroups of Repetitive Codes
FIBL_RPCODE_GRTXGroup Names of Repetitive Code
FIBL_RPCODE_TDEFDefault Values for Repetitive Codes
FIEB_BUSPROBusiness Processes in Applications
FIEB_BUSPROTNames of Application Business Processes
FIEB_OID_LOCKUsed to Lock any Given Objects Using Their OID
FIEB_PASSWORDPasswords (stored in encrypted form)
FIEB_STATUSFIEB: Status Management, Save Status
FIEB_STATUS_LOCKDummy to Block Status According to Non-Primary Key Fields
FIEB_STATUSVStatus Values for Internet Messages
FIEB_STATUSVTNames of Status Values for Internet Messages
FIEBCHKFFIEB: File Name of Last Check-Out
FIEBCHKOFIEB: Check-Out Data on a Physical Document
FIEBCONT1FIEB: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
FIEBLOIOFIEB: Instances of Logical Documents
FIEBLOIOTFIEB: Descriptions of Logical Documents
FIEBLOPRFIEB: Attribute Values of Logical Documents
FIEBLOREFIEB: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Documents
FIEBLORIFIEB: Incoming Relationships of Physical Documents
FIEBPHFFIEB: Physical document files
FIEBPHHRFIEB: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Documents
FIEBPHIOFIEB: Instances of Physical Documents
FIEBPHNMFIEB: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Documents
FIEBPHPRFIEB: Physical document attributes
FIEBPHREFIEB: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Documents
FIEBPHRIFIEB: Incoming Relationships of Physical Documents
FIEBREFIEB: Instances of Relationships
FIEBREPRFIEB: Attributes of Relationships
FPS_BLOCKPayment and Dunning Block for Each Payment Service Provider
GENERAL_EB_FIEBGeneral Customizing Table for Electronic Banking
HBNK_LOGADR_FIEBAssignment of House Bank to Logical Address
LOGADR_ATTR_FIEBAttributes of Logical Addresses
LOGADR_PHAD_FIEBPhysical Address for a Logical Address
OFX_BP_MSGS_FIEBCustomizing of OFX Message Sets for Business Processes
OFX_LA_MSGS_FIEBMessage Sets per Business Process
OFX_VERSION_FIEBAttributes for a DTD Version of OFX
PAYRPayment Medium File
PAYR_XBANC_HRTemporary Storage in FI for Cashed HR Checks
PAYRQPayment Requests
PAYRQCPAYRQ Enhancement (Change and Posting Data)
PAYRQPPAYRQ Enhancement (Cross-Country Bank Account Transfers)
PAYRQTReference Texts for Payment Request
PCECPrenumbered Checks
REGUH_WFAMaintenance of Proposal Run: Workflow Package per Account
REGUH_WFRMaintenance of Proposal Run: Workflow Rules per Proposal Run
REGUH_WFSMaintenance of Proposal Run: Workflow Sts per Work Package
REGUHMPayment Data for Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium
REGUP_COREProcessed Items from Payment Program
REGUTTemSe - Administration Data
REGUTAPaying Company Codes for DME Files
REGUVMPayment Data for Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium
REGUVM_HDecision for Cross-Payment-Run Payment Media (BAdI)
SMFIBLSpec. FI-BL Data in Monitor
T012House Banks
T012DParameters for DMEs and foreign pmnt transactions
T012EEDI-compatible house banks and payment methods
T012KHouse Bank Accounts
T012THouse Bank Account Names
T015LSCB Ratios
T015VApplication Area for Instructions in Payment Transactions
T015VTLong text for application areas
T015WInstruction keys
T015W0Allocate application areas to instruction fields
T015W1TInstructions (explanatory text)
T015WTExplanation of Instruction Key
T018VAcct Transfer: Determine Receiving Bank's Clearing Account
T036RPayment Request Levels
T042BDetails on the company codes that must pay
T042ECompany Code-Specific Specifications for Payment Methods
T042EAPayment method capability for ALE distribution
T042ECTLetter for Payment Correspondence (PDF)
T042FPayment method supplements
T042FIDPayment medium formats: File ID modifiers
T042HText table for additional payment methods
T042QPermitted Destination Lands for Payment Method
T042TText modules for payment forms
T042WPermitted currency keys for payment method
T042WFMaintenance of Prop. Run: Activate Workflow per Company Code
T042WFRMaintenance of Proposal Run: Workflow Rules
T042YAccount Determination for Bank to Bank Payments
T042YPAccount Determination for HR Payments
T042ZPayment Methods for Automatic Payment
T042ZAAdditional specifications for payment method
T042ZA_FORMATDifferent PMW Format
T042ZA_PREFTYPDifferent PMW Format
T042ZTTexts of Payment Methods for Automatic Payment
TBCHAIN0Definition bank chains
TBCHAIN1Bank chains
TBCHAIN2Bank Chains per Business Partner Account
TBCHAIN21Bank chains per business partner account (allocation)
TBCHAINC0Assign Scenario for Bank Chain Determination to Client
TBCHAINE0Definition of the scenarios for bank chain determination
TBCHAINE0TDefinition of scenarios for bank chain determination (texts)
TBCHAINE1Character. value of scenarios for determining bank chain
TBKDCDay Difference betw. House Bank and Beneficiary Value Dates
TBKFKFactory Calendar Identification Using Currency
TBKPVTime Between Payment Run and Value Date at House Bank
TCCAAPayment cards: Clearing account/external functions
TCCFIPayment cards: Central FI settings
TCCLGPayment Cards: Settlement Run Log
TCCLGTPayment cards: Settlement run log (texts)
TCCRCPayment Cards: Check Results
TCCRCTPayment cards: Results of checks (texts)
TCJ_BALANCEFI Cash Journal: Totals Records
TCJ_CHECK_STACKSCheck Lists in Cash Journal
TCJ_CJ_NAMESCash Journal Names
TCJ_CPDFBCJ: One-Time Account Data of Cash Journal Document Items
TCJ_DOCUMENTSCash Journal Documents (Header Data)
TCJ_MAX_AMOUNTCash Journal: Amount Limit
TCJ_NUMB_GROUPNumbering Group for Cash Documents
TCJ_NUMB_GROUPTNumbering Group for Cash Documents (Text)
TCJ_POSITIONSCash Journal Document Items
TCJ_PRINTCash Journal Print Parameters
TCJ_TRANS_NAMESCash Journal Business Transaction Names
TCJ_TRANSACTIONSCash Journal Business Transactions
TCJ_WTAX_ITEMSWithholding Tax Items for Cash Journal Document Items
TFCUPM042FPayment medium formats: General attributes
TFCUPM042FBPayment medium formats: Events
TFCUPM042FDPayment Medium Formats: Preassignment of Format Parameters
TFCUPM042FFPayment medium formats: Format parameters
TFCUPM042FGPayment medium formats: Level of detail of payment medium
TFCUPM042FMPayment medium formats: Reqd fields for format parameters
TFCUPM042FTPayment medium formats: Texts
TFCUPM042FVPayment medium formats: Note to payee fields
TFCUPM042FZPayment medium formats: Supplements
TFCUPM042FZTPayment medium formats: Supplement text
TFIBLAPARPVAROnline Payment: Variants
TFIBLFFPVAROnline Payment: Variants
TFIBLHBGGroup of House Bank Accounts
TFIBLHBG1Group of House Bank Accounts: Details
TFIBLHBGTName of the House Bank Groups
TFIBLMPAYBLOCKReservation for Cross-Payment Run Payment Media
TFIBLMPAYBLOCKIDRun Identification for Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium
TFIBLMPVAROnline Payment: Variants
TFIBLOPAYOrigin of Online Payments
TFIBLOPAYSTEPOnline Payments: Determine Process Steps
TFIBLOPDOCTYPEDocument Types for Online Payments
TFIBLOPVAROnline Payment: Administration of Variants
TFIBLORIGINOrigin Indicator
TFIBLORIGINDAssignment of Origin to Overriding Origin
TFIBLORIGINTMeaning of an Origin Indicator
TFIBLSCREENControl of Output of Screen Fields
TFIBLSCREEN0Register Programs for Screen Control
TFIBLSCREEN1Define Contents of Screen Groups
TFIBLSCREEN1TDefine Contents of Screen Groups
TFPM042FPayment medium formats: General attributes
TFPM042FBPayment medium formats: Events
TFPM042FBCPayment medium formats: Customer events
TFPM042FCPayment medium formats: Format codepage
TFPM042FDPayment Medium Formats: Preassignment of Format Parameters
TFPM042FDCPayt Medium Formats: Cust. Preassignm. of Format Parameters
TFPM042FFPayment medium formats: Format parameters
TFPM042FFCPayment medium formats: Customer format parameters
TFPM042FGPayment medium formats: Level of detail of payment medium
TFPM042FGCPayt. medium formats: Cust. level of det. of payment mediums
TFPM042FLPayment Medium Formats: Information on Lifecycle (SAP)
TFPM042FMPayment medium formats: Reqd fields for format parameters
TFPM042FMCPayment medium formats: Cust. reqd. fields for format para.
TFPM042FPBPayment Medium Formats: Modules for Payment Doc. Validation
TFPM042FSBPayment Medium Formats: Modules for Writing/Sending Files
TFPM042FTPayment medium formats: Texts
TFPM042FVPayment medium formats: Note to payee fields
TFPM042FZPayment medium formats: Supplements
TFPM042FZTPayment medium formats: Supplement text
TFPM042VAPayment medium: Note to payee
TFPM042VATPayment medium: Note to payee texts
TFPM042VIPayment medium: Note to payee contents
TFPM042VJPayment Media: Content of Note to Payee Lang. Independent
TPRQPBPayment Block when using Payment Requests
TVOIDCheck void reason codes
TVOITCheck void reason code texts

Important SAP S/4 HANA Finance Module Tables