What is SAP FI Bank Accounting?
SAP FI Bank Accounting(FI-BL) component is responsible for accounting transactions with banks. It handles bank master data, Bank Chains known as Multi-Stage Payment Methods, Checks Management, Bills of Exchange Management, and Payment Transactions including the creation and processing of incoming and outgoing payments. For a comprehensive list of SAP FI Accounting Tables continue reading
The main component of SAP FI Bank Accounting is FI-BL and below are the sub-components
- FI-BL (Bank Accounting)
- FI-BL-MD (Master Data)
- FI-BL-MD-BK (Bank Master Data)
- FI-BL-PT (Payment Transactions)
- FI-BL-PT-AP (Automatic Payments)
- FI-BL-PT-BS-EL (Electronic Bank Statement)
Important Tables in SAP FI Bank Accounting
Table | Description |
ACRELATION | Relationships in Accounting |
BSEGC | Document: Data on Payment Card Payments |
BUSPROC_FCT_FIEB | FIEB: Function Modules for Business Process |
CCENQ | Payment cards: Primary table for lock object EFCCENQ |
DFPAY_DYN_SEL | Payment Medium Format: Dynamic Selections for Variant |
DFPAY_XREL | Payment Medium Format: Selection variant Maintenance |
DFPAYG | Payment date: Grouping |
DFPAYHT | Note to Payee and Payment Advice Note Texts |
DFPAYMENT_KEY_ID | Contains ID for Payment Data Key |
DFPAYV | Payment Medium: Selection Variants |
DFPAYV_VARI | Variant |
DFPM_AUTH | Payment medium: Authorization Check Origin Active |
F111G | Global Settings: Payment Program for Payment Requests |
F111PARAM_MODIFY | Note whether RF_F111_PARAMETERS_MODIFY_ONCE has already run |
FDZA | Cash Management line items in payment requests |
FEB_ACCNT_SAVE | Saving of Posting Lines for Postprocessing (Account Assign.) |
FEB_ACT | Acct Assignment Templates |
FEB_ACTT | Descriptions of Account Assignment Templates |
FEB_AVIR_EXTD | Advice Note Subitem Enhancement (Bank Statement Postproc.) |
FEB_FILEPATH | Client-Dependent Definition of Logical File Paths |
FEB_FILEPATHT | Description of Logical File Paths |
FEB_IMP_FORMAT | Bank Statement Formats for Automatic Import |
FEB_IMP_FORMATT | Format Description |
FEB_IMP_POST | Posting Parameters for Electronic Bank Statement |
FEB_IMP_SELOPT | Selection Options of Posting Parameters |
FEB_IMP_SOURCE | Information about Import for Electronic Bank Statement |
FEB_IMP_STRUCT | Format-Specific Parameter Structures |
FEB_IMP_TRANPATH | Transfer Paths for Logical Bank Statement Files |
FEB_IMP_TRANS | Transfer of Logical Bank Statement Files |
FEB_ITEM_SAVE | Saving of Posting Items for Postprocessing (On Account) |
FEB_OI_ALG | Algorithms for finding Open Items |
FEB_OI_ALG_P | Open Item Algorithm Parameters |
FEB_OI_ALG_P_T | Open Item Algorithm Parameters |
FEB_OI_ALG_PD | Open Item Algorithm Fixed Value Definition |
FEB_OI_ALG_PD_T | Open Item Algo fixed value parameter text |
FEB_OI_ALG_PV | Open Item Algorithm Parameter Values |
FEB_OI_ALG_PV_T | Open Item Algorithm Parameter Values Text |
FEB_OI_ALG_T | Algorithms for finding Open Items Text |
FEB_PARMT_POST | Posting Parameters for Postprocessing |
FEB_REPRO_AVCOST | Average Cost to Reprocess an Incoming Payment |
FEB_REPRO_RRC | Reprocessing Reason Code |
FEB_REPRO_RRCT | Reprocessing Reason Text |
FEB_TATYP | Transaction |
FEB_TATYP_C | Transaction - Customer Adjustment |
FEB_TATYP_T | Transaction Text |
FEB_TATYP_TC | Transaction Text - Customer Adjustment |
FEBIP | Posting Parameters for Postprocessing |
FEBKO_TRANSFER | Transferred Bank Statements |
FEBRE_ORIG | Original Ref. Record for an Elec. Bank Statement Line Item |
FIBL_CLRG_RGSTRY | Registry for bank ledger clearing service |
FIBL_RPCODE | Master Data for Repetitive Code |
FIBL_RPCODE_GREL | Assign Repetitive Codes/Groups |
FIBL_RPCODE_GROU | Groups of Repetitive Codes |
FIBL_RPCODE_GRTX | Group Names of Repetitive Code |
FIBL_RPCODE_TDEF | Default Values for Repetitive Codes |
FIEB_BUSPRO | Business Processes in Applications |
FIEB_BUSPROT | Names of Application Business Processes |
FIEB_OID_LOCK | Used to Lock any Given Objects Using Their OID |
FIEB_PASSWORD | Passwords (stored in encrypted form) |
FIEB_STATUS | FIEB: Status Management, Save Status |
FIEB_STATUS_LOCK | Dummy to Block Status According to Non-Primary Key Fields |
FIEB_STATUSV | Status Values for Internet Messages |
FIEB_STATUSVT | Names of Status Values for Internet Messages |
FIEBCHKF | FIEB: File Name of Last Check-Out |
FIEBCHKO | FIEB: Check-Out Data on a Physical Document |
FIEBCONT1 | FIEB: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) |
FIEBLOIO | FIEB: Instances of Logical Documents |
FIEBLOIOT | FIEB: Descriptions of Logical Documents |
FIEBLOPR | FIEB: Attribute Values of Logical Documents |
FIEBLORE | FIEB: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Documents |
FIEBLORI | FIEB: Incoming Relationships of Physical Documents |
FIEBPHF | FIEB: Physical document files |
FIEBPHHR | FIEB: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Documents |
FIEBPHIO | FIEB: Instances of Physical Documents |
FIEBPHNM | FIEB: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Documents |
FIEBPHPR | FIEB: Physical document attributes |
FIEBPHRE | FIEB: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Documents |
FIEBPHRI | FIEB: Incoming Relationships of Physical Documents |
FIEBRE | FIEB: Instances of Relationships |
FIEBREPR | FIEB: Attributes of Relationships |
FPS_BLOCK | Payment and Dunning Block for Each Payment Service Provider |
GENERAL_EB_FIEB | General Customizing Table for Electronic Banking |
HBNK_LOGADR_FIEB | Assignment of House Bank to Logical Address |
LOGADR_ATTR_FIEB | Attributes of Logical Addresses |
LOGADR_PHAD_FIEB | Physical Address for a Logical Address |
OFX_BP_MSGS_FIEB | Customizing of OFX Message Sets for Business Processes |
OFX_LA_MSGS_FIEB | Message Sets per Business Process |
OFX_VERSION_FIEB | Attributes for a DTD Version of OFX |
PAYR | Payment Medium File |
PAYR_XBANC_HR | Temporary Storage in FI for Cashed HR Checks |
PAYRQ | Payment Requests |
PAYRQC | PAYRQ Enhancement (Change and Posting Data) |
PAYRQP | PAYRQ Enhancement (Cross-Country Bank Account Transfers) |
PAYRQT | Reference Texts for Payment Request |
PCEC | Prenumbered Checks |
REGUH_WFA | Maintenance of Proposal Run: Workflow Package per Account |
REGUH_WFR | Maintenance of Proposal Run: Workflow Rules per Proposal Run |
REGUH_WFS | Maintenance of Proposal Run: Workflow Sts per Work Package |
REGUHM | Payment Data for Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium |
REGUP_CORE | Processed Items from Payment Program |
REGUT | TemSe - Administration Data |
REGUTA | Paying Company Codes for DME Files |
REGUVM | Payment Data for Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium |
REGUVM_H | Decision for Cross-Payment-Run Payment Media (BAdI) |
SMFIBL | Spec. FI-BL Data in Monitor |
T012 | House Banks |
T012D | Parameters for DMEs and foreign pmnt transactions |
T012E | EDI-compatible house banks and payment methods |
T012K | House Bank Accounts |
T012T | House Bank Account Names |
T015L | SCB Ratios |
T015V | Application Area for Instructions in Payment Transactions |
T015VT | Long text for application areas |
T015W | Instruction keys |
T015W0 | Allocate application areas to instruction fields |
T015W1 | Instructions |
T015W1T | Instructions (explanatory text) |
T015WT | Explanation of Instruction Key |
T018V | Acct Transfer: Determine Receiving Bank's Clearing Account |
T036R | Payment Request Levels |
T042B | Details on the company codes that must pay |
T042E | Company Code-Specific Specifications for Payment Methods |
T042EA | Payment method capability for ALE distribution |
T042ECT | Letter for Payment Correspondence (PDF) |
T042F | Payment method supplements |
T042FID | Payment medium formats: File ID modifiers |
T042H | Text table for additional payment methods |
T042Q | Permitted Destination Lands for Payment Method |
T042T | Text modules for payment forms |
T042W | Permitted currency keys for payment method |
T042WF | Maintenance of Prop. Run: Activate Workflow per Company Code |
T042WFR | Maintenance of Proposal Run: Workflow Rules |
T042Y | Account Determination for Bank to Bank Payments |
T042YP | Account Determination for HR Payments |
T042Z | Payment Methods for Automatic Payment |
T042ZA | Additional specifications for payment method |
T042ZA_FORMAT | Different PMW Format |
T042ZA_PREFTYP | Different PMW Format |
T042ZT | Texts of Payment Methods for Automatic Payment |
TBCHAIN0 | Definition bank chains |
TBCHAIN1 | Bank chains |
TBCHAIN2 | Bank Chains per Business Partner Account |
TBCHAIN21 | Bank chains per business partner account (allocation) |
TBCHAINC0 | Assign Scenario for Bank Chain Determination to Client |
TBCHAINE0 | Definition of the scenarios for bank chain determination |
TBCHAINE0T | Definition of scenarios for bank chain determination (texts) |
TBCHAINE1 | Character. value of scenarios for determining bank chain |
TBKDC | Day Difference betw. House Bank and Beneficiary Value Dates |
TBKFK | Factory Calendar Identification Using Currency |
TBKPV | Time Between Payment Run and Value Date at House Bank |
TCCAA | Payment cards: Clearing account/external functions |
TCCFI | Payment cards: Central FI settings |
TCCLG | Payment Cards: Settlement Run Log |
TCCLGT | Payment cards: Settlement run log (texts) |
TCCRC | Payment Cards: Check Results |
TCCRCT | Payment cards: Results of checks (texts) |
TCJ_BALANCE | FI Cash Journal: Totals Records |
TCJ_C_JOURNALS | Cash Journals |
TCJ_CHECK_STACKS | Check Lists in Cash Journal |
TCJ_CJ_NAMES | Cash Journal Names |
TCJ_CPD | FBCJ: One-Time Account Data of Cash Journal Document Items |
TCJ_DOCUMENTS | Cash Journal Documents (Header Data) |
TCJ_MAX_AMOUNT | Cash Journal: Amount Limit |
TCJ_NUMB_GROUP | Numbering Group for Cash Documents |
TCJ_NUMB_GROUPT | Numbering Group for Cash Documents (Text) |
TCJ_POSITIONS | Cash Journal Document Items |
TCJ_PRINT | Cash Journal Print Parameters |
TCJ_TRANS_NAMES | Cash Journal Business Transaction Names |
TCJ_TRANSACTIONS | Cash Journal Business Transactions |
TCJ_WTAX_ITEMS | Withholding Tax Items for Cash Journal Document Items |
TFCUPM042F | Payment medium formats: General attributes |
TFCUPM042FB | Payment medium formats: Events |
TFCUPM042FD | Payment Medium Formats: Preassignment of Format Parameters |
TFCUPM042FF | Payment medium formats: Format parameters |
TFCUPM042FG | Payment medium formats: Level of detail of payment medium |
TFCUPM042FM | Payment medium formats: Reqd fields for format parameters |
TFCUPM042FT | Payment medium formats: Texts |
TFCUPM042FV | Payment medium formats: Note to payee fields |
TFCUPM042FZ | Payment medium formats: Supplements |
TFCUPM042FZT | Payment medium formats: Supplement text |
TFIBLAPARPVAR | Online Payment: Variants |
TFIBLFFPVAR | Online Payment: Variants |
TFIBLHBG | Group of House Bank Accounts |
TFIBLHBG1 | Group of House Bank Accounts: Details |
TFIBLHBGT | Name of the House Bank Groups |
TFIBLMPAYBLOCK | Reservation for Cross-Payment Run Payment Media |
TFIBLMPAYBLOCKID | Run Identification for Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium |
TFIBLMPVAR | Online Payment: Variants |
TFIBLOPAY | Origin of Online Payments |
TFIBLOPAYSTEP | Online Payments: Determine Process Steps |
TFIBLOPDOCTYPE | Document Types for Online Payments |
TFIBLOPVAR | Online Payment: Administration of Variants |
TFIBLORIGIN | Origin Indicator |
TFIBLORIGINC | Origin Settings |
TFIBLORIGIND | Assignment of Origin to Overriding Origin |
TFIBLORIGINT | Meaning of an Origin Indicator |
TFIBLSCREEN | Control of Output of Screen Fields |
TFIBLSCREEN0 | Register Programs for Screen Control |
TFIBLSCREEN1 | Define Contents of Screen Groups |
TFIBLSCREEN1T | Define Contents of Screen Groups |
TFPM042F | Payment medium formats: General attributes |
TFPM042FB | Payment medium formats: Events |
TFPM042FBC | Payment medium formats: Customer events |
TFPM042FC | Payment medium formats: Format codepage |
TFPM042FD | Payment Medium Formats: Preassignment of Format Parameters |
TFPM042FDC | Payt Medium Formats: Cust. Preassignm. of Format Parameters |
TFPM042FF | Payment medium formats: Format parameters |
TFPM042FFC | Payment medium formats: Customer format parameters |
TFPM042FG | Payment medium formats: Level of detail of payment medium |
TFPM042FGC | Payt. medium formats: Cust. level of det. of payment mediums |
TFPM042FL | Payment Medium Formats: Information on Lifecycle (SAP) |
TFPM042FM | Payment medium formats: Reqd fields for format parameters |
TFPM042FMC | Payment medium formats: Cust. reqd. fields for format para. |
TFPM042FPB | Payment Medium Formats: Modules for Payment Doc. Validation |
TFPM042FSB | Payment Medium Formats: Modules for Writing/Sending Files |
TFPM042FT | Payment medium formats: Texts |
TFPM042FV | Payment medium formats: Note to payee fields |
TFPM042FZ | Payment medium formats: Supplements |
TFPM042FZT | Payment medium formats: Supplement text |
TFPM042VA | Payment medium: Note to payee |
TFPM042VAT | Payment medium: Note to payee texts |
TFPM042VI | Payment medium: Note to payee contents |
TFPM042VJ | Payment Media: Content of Note to Payee Lang. Independent |
TPRQPB | Payment Block when using Payment Requests |
TVOID | Check void reason codes |
TVOIT | Check void reason code texts |