How to install SAPUI5 Development Tools in Eclipse


Hello everyone, in this tutorial we will learn how to install SAPUI5 Development Tools in Eclipse. To get start with SAPUI5 development we need these tools.


It is recommended to use SAP Business Application Studio or UI5 Tooling for SAPUI5 development.

So let gets started.

1. Install Eclipse IDE Kepler/Juno/Mars version from here and choose your operating system on which you want to run eclipse. Please refer UI Development Toolkit for SAPUI5 to check the supported Eclipse version.

Eclispe Installation

2. Choose the mirror from which you want to download the eclipse.

Choose the Mirrior

3. After download has completed. Unzip the file and extract to a folder of your choice.

Extract the Eclipse Zip file

4. To start the eclipse, navigate to the folder in which you have extracted in Step-3 and double click to launch   E

5. You can see the Eclipse welcome page and you have successfully installed Eclipse in your local machine.

Eclipse Welcome Page

6. Our next step is to install SAPUI5 Development Tools. To do that navigate to Help → Install New Software from eclipse menu.

Install New Software

7. In the Available Software window, enter “” in Work with field. Depending on your eclipse version, please adopt the url accordingly. List of available software will be displayed like below. Choose UI5 Development Toolkit for HTML5 and click on Next.

UI5 Development Tools

8. In the Install Details window, review the items and click on Next.

9. In the Review Licenses window, read the license agreement and choose I accept the terms of the license agreements. Click on Finish to start the installation.

Review Licenses

10. While installation, you will be prompted with a Security Warning dialog box like below. Click on OK to continue the installation.

Security Warning

11. At the end of installation, you will be prompted with below confirmation window to restart the Eclipse. Click on Yes to confirm and eclipse will be restarted with the UI5 Development Toolkit Tools installed.

Software Update

12. Change the Eclipse perspective to SAP HANA Modeler perspective by navigating to Window → Open Perspective → Other.From the list of perspectives choose Java EE.

13. To test the installation, navigate to File → New → Other (or) press Cntrl+N. A new Create an Application Project window opens, in that you should see SAPUI5 Application Development folder like below

SAPUI5 Application Development


Congrats, you have successfully installed SAPUI5 Development Toolkit Tools in Eclipse. In our next tutorial we will be develop and test SAPUI5 applications.

Please stay tuned to us for SAPUI5 tutorials.Please feel free to comment and let us know your feedback. You feedback will keep us alive.

Thank you.

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