How to create Data Element in ABAP Cloud


Dear SAPLearners, in this blog post we will learn how to create ABAP Dictionary Data Element in ABAP Cloud environment in SAP Cloud Platform.

I hope every ABAPer is well versed with Domain and Data Elements, i don’t think an introduction required. So lets get directly into steps without any delay


Before you start, make sure you have

Step-by-Step Procedure

1. In the Project Explorer, select the Package and right click on it. From the context menu select New ???? Other ABAP Repository Object.

Domain in ABAP Cloud Step 1

2. On New ABAP Repository Object wizard window, enter Dictionary in the search field. Select DataElement from the list and click on Next.

Data Element in ABAP Cloud Step1

3. On Create Data Element wizard window, provide NameDescription and hit Next.

Data Element in ABAP Cloud Step2

4. On Selection of Transport Request wizard window, select an existing transport request (or) select Create a new request(..this will create a new transport request ). Choose Finish

Domain in ABAP Cloud Step 4

5. Finally the Data Element Editor is opened. Category and Type Name are mandatory fields for a data element, enter these fields. Save and activate the data element.

Data Element in ABAP Cloud Step3

Here i have provided the domain name we created in previous blog post

6. Hooray! ???? you have successfully created a Data Element in SAP ABAP Cloud environment!

Lets explore the Data Element Editor and see what other options are available.

Data Type Information:

CategoryChoose the category of the data type There are 5 possible
options available
Predefined Type
Reference to Predefined Type
Reference to Dictionary Type
Reference to Class/Interface
Type NameChoose type name based on category. For example if category is
domain provide the domain name

Field Labels:

Provide field labels and set maximum lengths like Short, Medium, Long and Heading

Additional Properties:

In this section, you have the following options:

  • Search Help: You can assign a search help to the data element that is displayed in all the screen fields referring to this data element when the F4 help is called.
  • Parameter ID: You can assign data element with an SPA/GPA parameter.
  • Change Document Logging: Select this check box to log changes to fields in database tables defined with reference to this data element.
  • Input History: This check box is to activate or deactivate the SAP GUI history for dynpro fields defined with direct or indirect reference to the data element.
  • Bidirectional Option: This check box is to define the behavior of dynpro fields or Web Dynpro fields in order to handle bidirectional fonts.

The options Bidirectional Option and Input History may not be valid in ABAP Cloud environment.

Congrats!! you have successfully learned how to create Data Element in ABAP Cloud environment in SAP Cloud Platform.

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