SAP Tables for Cost Center: Helpful List (2023)


SAP ERP contains numerous tables that store data related to cost centers. Understanding the key SAP tables for cost centers is critical for any SAP analyst or consultant working with cost center planning, reporting, and analysis. This article provides an overview of the most important cost center tables in SAP, including CSKS, CSKT, CSKU, and more.

SAP Tables for Cost Center
SAP Tables for Cost Center

What is a Cost Center?

A cost center is an organizational unit that represents the location where costs are incurred. The cost center data is stored in different SAP tables and very important to track the efficiency of the cost centers. In this blog post we will provide a comprehensive list of SAP Tables for Cost Center and its related information.

SAP Tables for Cost Center

Cost Center is used to analyze the costs incurred with in organization. CSKS (Cost Center Master Record) is the cost center master data table and CSKT (Cost Center Texts) is the cost center text table, which store cost center texts.

Cost Center cab be of different types and there are two main types of cost centers: Operational and Support cost centers and this information is stored in TKA05 (Cost Center Types).

Below is the list of other cost center tables in SAP Cost Center Accounting.

Table NameTable Description
CSKSCost Center Master Data
CSKTCost Center Texts
CSKS_MAPTemplate Assignment for Cost Centers
TKSA0Administration for Cost Center Accrual
TKSR5Field transfers for cost center summarization
TKSRTTexts for cost center summarization
TKZU4Surcharge Base – Cost Center / Activity Type
TKA3GSubstitute Cost Centers for HR Settlement
TKV01Variance Keys: Cost Centers/Costing

Cost Center Concur S/4HANA Financial Integration Tables

Following is the list of 6 cost center tables in SAP which are relevant if you have SAP S/4HANA and Concur integration.

Table NameTable Description
CTE_C_EXCL_S_CCExclude from Export: Single Cost Center
CTE_C_ROLL_S_CCPhased rollout: Cost Center generically
CTE_C_ROLLOUT_CCPhased rollout: Cost Center generically
CTE_C_ROLLOUT_CCPhased rollout: Single Cost Center
CTE_D_COM_LOG_CCCommunication LOG Cost Center
CTE_D_LIST_M_CCList API for Cost Center with multiple occurrence

Joint Venture and Production Sharing Accounting Tables

Following is the list of 7 cost center tables in SAP which are relevant if you have configured JVA.

Table NameTable Description
T8J_SUS_CCJV cost center type for supplemental detail
T8J_SUS_CCTable of cost centers, projects and orders for each overhead
T8J5ETable of cost centers, projects and orders for each overhead
T8J5EOverhead keyword list for each cost centers
T8JOH_C_KEYLISTOverhead keyword list for each cost centers
T8JOH_C_KEYLISTJV Cost Center in Suspense
T8JOH_COST_OBJSJV Cost Center in Suspense

Cost Center Overhead Cost Controlling Table

Following is the list of 16 cost center tables in SAP which are relevant to Overhead Cost Controlling.

Table NameTable Description
A132Price per Cost Center
BWOMA_USERBW Extraction: Last Extracted User for Cost Centers
CMDT_CCGeneric Master Data: Cost Center Enhancements
CSSKCost center /cost element
CSSLCost Center/Activity Type
FINAC_IDX_CCRHCAIF Index table for Cost Center Hierarchy Inbound Confirmati
FINAC_IDX_CCTRCAIF Index table for Cost Center Inbound Confirmation
FINAC_IDX_CCTRIAIF Multiple Index table for Cost Center Inbound
FINAC_MIDX_CCTRIAIF Multiple Index table for Cost Center Inbound
FINAC_MIDX_CCTROAIF Index table for Cost Center Outbound
FINSC_DRF_SFEC1Custom Field Mapping for Cost Centers to Employee Central
KBEROBJSettings for authorization objects in Cost Center Accounting
KCR_T_CCATData Model for Cost Center/Activity Type
KCR_T_CCAT_TDData Model for Cost Center/Activity Type – Time-Dependent
TKAR2CO Resource Prices Per Cost Center
TKT05Cost center type texts

Cost Center SD Output Determination Tables

Table NameTable Description
B066Cost Center
A026Controlling Area/Cost Center
A058Controlling Area/Cost Center Type
A061Controlling Area/Cost Center Type/Cost Center
A062Controlling Area/Company Code/Cost Center
A063Controlling Area/Business Area/Cost Center
A123Discount Type/Resp. Cost Center
TVAUKCost Center Determination

Cost Center Business Planning Tables

Following is the list of 30 SAP table for cost center which are relevant to Business Planning.

Table NameTable Description
UPB_CCP_CUSTSEM Cost Center Planning: Customizing Table
UPB_CW_ANSWERCost Center Wizard: Answers
UPB_CW_AREACost Center Wizard: Planning Areas
UPB_CW_CCECost Center Wizard: Applications
UPB_CW_CCE_TCost Center Wizard: Description, Text Table
UPB_CW_CCSECost Center Wizard: Subapplication
UPB_CW_CCSE_TCost Center Wizard: Subapplication
UPB_CW_CUBECost Center Wizard: InfoCubes
UPB_CW_EDCost Center Wizard: Economic Description (Economic Object)
UPB_CW_EPCost Center Wizard: Planning Environment
UPB_CW_EP_TCost Center Wizard: Planning Environment
UPB_CW_EP_UICost Center Wizard: Interfaces
UPB_CW_EP_UI_DCost Center Wizard: Interfaces
UPB_CW_EP_UI_TCost Center Wizard: Interfaces
UPB_CW_ESCost Center Wizard: Economic Specification

Cost Center Industry Specific (IS-OIL) Tables

Following is the list of 5 SAP table for cost center, if IS-OIL is configured in SAP S/4HANA system.

Table NameTable Description
OIFOCSKSObject links – CO cost center (IS-Oil MRN)
OIRBOCSKSObject links – CO cost center (IS-Oil SSR)
TOIGS1TD Intransit Store Location/Cost Center Determination
TOIJ03_GL_ACCTGain/Loss Cost center
OIUH_RV_GLCCCross Reference GL to Cost Center

Others Cost Center Tables

Following is the other list of SAP table for cost centers.

Table NameTable Description
MPO_CCMON_RULESCost Center Monitor: Rule Definition for Exception Reporting
ONRKLObject Number Index, Cost Center/Activity Type
ONRKSObject Number Index, Cost Center
FCOT_PA_DERI_CCDraft table for cost center long description
FCO_CC_DESC_DRDerivation of Profitability Attributes for Cost Center Categ
FCOT_PA_DERI_CCDerivation of Profitability Attributes for Cost Center Categ
OFIC_COSTCTR_SRVOrgfinder Customizing: Assign Cost Center to Service Org.
CRMD_AC_ASSF4_05Search Help Values for Cost Center AC_ASSIGN
KE1_WU_BPPCA Where-Used List: Cost Centers
KE1_WU_COPCA Where-Used List: Cost Centers/Processes
KE1_WU_KSPCA Where-Used List: Cost Centers
TFK155Deferred Revenues: Change Cost Center
FIAATRC_REALLOCFunctional accounts Cost Centers
TRAA_REALLOCObsolete: donot use :Functional accounts Cost Centers
IDCN_ZJFPRCTRAssignment of Cost Center to Profit Center
J_1UF_TP_SCRKSTLSelect options for Cost Center
CCREPLSTATUSLOGCost Center Replication Status Log
CSKS_MAPCost Center: Mapping to Global Unique ID
CSKSTPLCost Center: Mapping to Global Unique ID
FINSC_CCTR_RFCRFC Destination for Cost Center Replication
SETHANAHIER0101Hierarchy table for Cost Center Groups
CFICC0CFIN Objects for Cost Centers
CFICR0CFIN Objects for Cost Center/Resource Pool
UAIQSCCTRQuantity Structure: Cost Center Node
IMCECCIM Summarization: Cost centers
IMCECCTIM Summarization: Texts for cost centers
OIFOCSKSObject links – CO cost center (IS-Oil MRN)
OIRBOCSKSObject links – CO cost center (IS-Oil SSR)
TOIGS1TD Intransit Store Location/Cost Center Determination
TOIJ03_GL_ACCTGain/Loss Cost center
OIUH_RV_GLCCCross Reference GL to Cost Center
WSRS_DB_PLNT_CCSAP Retail Store: Assignment of Cost Centers to Plants
MMPUR_EXT_CSKSExtracted Backend Cost Centers
MMPUR_EXT_CSKTExtracted Backend Cost Center Texts
HRSFEC_MDI_CCMAPMapping of Cost Center UUID to Loca ID
CRCOAssignment of Work Center to Cost Center
FMDERIVE002Derivation rule:Cost Center/CE to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/
FMDERIVE003Derivation rule:Cost Center to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/Fun
T5H9CControl table of payroll cost center diversion
T7RO1CER Contributions – Cost Centers for posting
VIMI38Cost centers (RU / LO) Real Estate