Hello everyone, in this tutorial you will learn how to do totals and subtotals in ALV with IDA on HANA.
- Learn about ABAP ALV with Integrated Data Access on HANA.
- You should learn how to set initial Sorting in ABAP ALV with IDA.
Totals and Sub-totals
To set totals and sub-totals, use the method SET_AGGREGATION( ) in IF_SALV_GUI_LAYOUT_IDA in ABAP ALV with IDA
Totals in ABAP ALV with IDA can be achieved by using the method SET_AGGREGATION( ). Using this method you can perform following aggregations
- Sum
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Average
ABAP Source code
START-OF-SELECTION. *1.. Create object reference for ALV with IDA *... based on CDS View DATA(lo_alv_display) = cl_salv_gui_table_ida=>create_for_cds_view( iv_cds_view_name = 'zcds_total_stock' ). *2.. Create Aggregation rule DATA: ls_aggr_rule TYPE if_salv_gui_types_ida=>ys_aggregation_rule, lt_aggr_rules TYPE if_salv_gui_types_ida=>yt_aggregation_rule. ls_aggr_rule-field_name = 'TOTAL_STOCK'. ls_aggr_rule-function = if_salv_service_types=>cs_function_code-sum. APPEND ls_aggr_rule TO lt_aggr_rules. lo_alv_display->default_layout( )->set_aggregations( lt_aggr_rules ). *3... Display ALV lo_alv_display->fullscreen( )->display( ).
Sub Totals
Sub Totals in ALV with IDA can be achieved by using both Sorting Rule and Aggregation Rule.
To define a subtotal on a particular column first you need to define sorting rule by using the SET_SORT_ORDER( ) and then apply aggregation rule by using method SET_AGGREGATION( ).
ABAP Source Code
******************************************************* * www.saplearners.com * * Totals & Subtotals in ABAP ALV with IDA * ******************************************************** START-OF-SELECTION. *1.. Create object reference for ALV with IDA *... based on CDS View DATA(lo_alv_display) = cl_salv_gui_table_ida=>create_for_cds_view( iv_cds_view_name = 'zcds_total_stock' ). *2.. Create Aggregation DATA: ls_aggr_rule TYPE if_salv_gui_types_ida=>ys_aggregation_rule, lt_aggr_rules TYPE if_salv_gui_types_ida=>yt_aggregation_rule. ls_aggr_rule-field_name = 'TOTAL_STOCK'. ls_aggr_rule-function = if_salv_service_types=>cs_function_code-sum. APPEND ls_aggr_rule TO lt_aggr_rules. lo_alv_display->default_layout( )->set_aggregations( lt_aggr_rules ). *3.. Set Sorting rule for Subtotals DATA(lt_sort_rule) = VALUE if_salv_gui_types_ida=>yt_sort_rule( ( field_name = 'CATEGORY' descending = abap_false is_grouped = abap_true ) ). lo_alv_display->default_layout( )->set_sort_order( it_sort_order = lt_sort_rule ). *3... Display ALV lo_alv_display->fullscreen( )->display( ).
Congrats! You have successfully learned how to perform totals and subtotals in ALV with IDA on HANA.
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