Saturday, July 27, 2024

SAP TCode FS10NA – Display Balances

FS10NA is a standard SAP tcode used to perform Display Balances task in SAP ERP (or) S/4HANA system.This blog post provides key technical details about SAP TCode FS10NA, including its availability across SAP S/4HANA versions and related tcodes.

Package Financial Accounting “Basis” (FBAS)
Technical Component Financial Accounting (FI)


The SAP tcode FS10NA is available within SAP ECC, SAP S/4HANA On-premise and SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud systems depending on the version and release level.

SAP S/4HANA Version Available?
1909 Yes
2020 Yes
2021 Yes
2022 Yes
2023 Yes

The following is the list of SAP transaction codes related to FS10NA.

SAP TCode SAP TCode Description
AKOF C FI Maintain Table TAKOF
F-04 Post with Clearing
F-05 Post Foreign Currency Valuation
F-19 Reverse Statistical Posting
F-21 Enter Transfer Posting
F.01 ABAP Report: Financial Statements
F.02 Compact Journal
F.05 Foreign Currency Valuation
F.07 Balance Carryforward Current Account
F.08 G/L: Account Balances
F.10 G/L: Chart of Accounts
F.16 ABAP/4 Report: G/L Bal.Carryforward
F.17 ABAP/4 Report: Cust.Bal.Confirmation
F.18 ABAP/4 Report: Vend.Bal.Confirmation
F.19 G/L: Goods/Invoice Received Clearing
F.1A Customer/Vendor Statistics
F.1B Head Office and Branch Index
F.20 A/R: Account List
F.22 A/R: Open Item Sorted List
F.23 A/R: Account Balances
F.29 A/R: Set Up Info System 1
F.30 A/R: Evaluate Info System
F.36 Adv.Ret.on Sls/Pur.Form Printout(DE)
F.38 Transfer Posting of Deferred Tax
F.40 A/P: Account List
F.41 A/P: Open Items
F.42 A/P: Account Balances
F.45 A/P: Set Up Info System 1
F.46 A/P: Evaluate Info System
F.50 G/L: Profitability Segment Adjustmnt
F.51 G/L: Open Items
F.53 G/L: Account Assignment Manual
F.54 G/L: Structured Account Balances
F.5D G/L: Update Bal. Sheet Adjustment
F.5E G/L: Post Balance Sheet Adjustment
F.5F G/L: Balance Sheet Adjustment Log
F.5G G/L: Subseq.Adjustment(BA/PC) Sp.ErA
F.64 Correspondence: Maintain Requests
F.65 Correspondence: Print Letters (Cust)
F.66 Correspondence: Print Letters (Vend)
F.80 Mass Reversal of Documents
F.81 Reverse Posting for Accr./Defer.Docs
F000 Accounting
F010 ABAP/4 Reporting: Fiscal Year Change
F101 ABAP/4 Reporting: Balance Sheet Adj.
F107 FI Valuation Run
F107_A2MT Assign Transaction Types to Actions
F107_MT2A Assign Transaction Types to Actions
F107_PROV FI Provisions
F107_PROVMETH FI Provision Calculation Methods
F107_PROV_RP FI Discounting: Receivables/Payables
F13E Automatic Clearing With Currency
F17P Bal. Confirmation (Customer) as PDF
F18P Bal. Confirmation (Vendor) as PDF
FAKA Config.: Show Display Format
FAKP Config.: Maintain Display Format
FB03S Display Split Documents
FB03Z Display Document/Payment Usage
FB12 Correspondence Request
FB15 Assign Items
FB16 Assign Items
FB17 Open Item Assignmnt: Check from List
FB18 Maintain Standard Mail Texts
FB21 Enter Statistical Posting
FB22 Reverse Statistical Posting
FB31 Enter Noted Item
FBCB Balance Carryfwd for Ledger Group
FBD9 Enter Recurring Entry
FBRC Reset Cleared Items (Payment Cards)
FBS1 Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc.
FD10N Customer Balance Display
FD10NA Customer Bal. Display with Worklist
FD10NET Customer Balance Display
FDKTRANS Transport User Actions FI_AP/AR
FDKUSER Internet: User Action Assignment
FINS_RFTMPBLU Converting Held Documents
FK10N Vendor Balance Display
FK10NA Vendor Balance Display
FK10NET Vendor Balance Display
FQUD Customer Queries
FQUK Vendor Queries
FQUS G/L Account Queries
FRMN Credit Management
FS10N Balance Display
FSAP Addresses for Balance Confirmations
FSAV Balance Confirmations: Reply View
FSL_EVALUNR Number Range Maintenance: SL_EVALU
FSO2 Change Finan.Statement Vers. (old)
FSO3 Display Finan.Statement Vers. (Old)
FV50 Park G/L Account Items
FV65 Park Incoming Credit Memos
FV75 Park Outgoing Credit Notes
F_76 Extended Bill of Exchange List (ALV)
F_IT_01 Report RFSUMB00 Italy
F_RFUMSV25 Transfer Posting for Deferred Tax
OB00 C FI Maintain Table T030 (RDF)
OB19 C FI Maintain Table T059M
OB52B Posting Periods: Change Periods
OBA0 G/L Account Tolerance Groups
OBD5 C FI Maintain Table T003B
OBDM Maintain MOSS Registration
OBF1 C FI Maintain Table TFI01/TFI01T
OBF2 C FI Maintain Table TFI02
OBJREG Regrouping of Valuation Objects
OBMA Default Transaction Type for FI Acts
OBML Assgmt LO Trans Type to FI Trans Typ
OBNB Transaction Code for SAPMFKM2
OBO1 C FI FAKP Line Item Line Layout
OBO2 C FI FAKP Credit Mangmnt Line Layout
OBT10 C FI Maint. Table TTXID (DOC_ITEM)
OBT8 C FI Maintain Table TTXID (BELEG)
OBT9 C FI Maintain Table TTXID (MR01)
OBV5 C FI Maintain Table T030Q
OBV6 C FI Maintain Table T030V
OBV7 C FI Maintain Table T001O
OBVT C FI Display Restricted View
OBVV C FI Maintain Restricted View
OBXO C FI Table T030 KDW
OBXQ C FI Table T030 KDZ
OBXV C FI Table T030
OB_T001_CESSION FI Customizing: Accts Rble Pledging
OB_V_CESSION FI Customizing: Accts Rble Fact.Ind.
PERIODCD Change Documents for Posting Periods
RFCASH_DOC Print Cash Receipts for CZ and SK
STTO Test Organization
S_AL0_96000497 Accounting Document
S_AL0_96000738 RFIDPTFO
S_ALR_87100205 General Ledger from Document File
S_ALR_87100833 Standard for Italy, Spain
S_P00_07000106 INTRASTAT: File Creation
S_P00_07000111 Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Pur.
S_P00_07000112 Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Pur.
S_P00_07000113 Addit. List for Advance Tax Return
S_P00_07000114 Assign Open Items from OI Management
S_P00_07000115 Tax Information (Country)
S_P00_07000116 Tax Information (Country)
S_P00_07000117 Annual Tax Return
S_P00_07000119 Tax Transfer Posting
S_P00_07000163 Input Tax from Parked Documents
S_P99_41000212 Formal Validation of Bank Data
S_PL0_09000127 Print Program: Spanish Invoice
S_PL0_09000158 Annual Operations Report (Spain)
S_PL0_09000159 RFUSVX11
S_PL0_09000314 RFW1099M
S_PL0_09000315 Belgian Withholding Tax Report