How to deploy Vue.js applications in SAP BTP


Dear SAPLearners, in this blog post you will learn how to deploy Vue.js applications in SAP BTP.


Before you start, make sure you have

  1. Node.js installed locally on your machine.
  2. Basic understanding of Vue.js

For the demo purpose, i have created a sample Vue.js application using Vue CLI 3. Please find the steps below.

Install Vue CLI 3

1 Open the terminal and run the below command to install Vue CLI

npm install i -g @vue/cli

2. It will take some time to install the Vue CLI. After successfully complete you will see below screen with all packages installed.

Vue JS Installation Step1

3. To confirm the installation, run following command in the terminal:

vue -V

4. It should display the Vue.js version installed.

5. You can also confirm the installation, by typing “vue” in the terminal, it will display all options like below

Vue JS Installation Step2

Creating a Vue.js project

6. To create a new project, run the following command in the terminal.

vue create hello-world

hello-world” is the name of the application

7. Choose default preset and hit enter key.

Vue JS Installation Step3 1

8. It may take some time to create the project. After successfully creation you will see below screen.

Create Vue JS Application Step1 1

9. Run following commands in the terminal, to start the server

cd hello-world
npm run serve

Create Vue JS Application Step2

10. Now the Vue.js application is running at http://localhost:8080/.

Create Vue JS Application Step3

11. Navigate back to the terminal and stop the server by hitting “Cntrl+C“.

12. To build the deployment ready files, run the following command in the project folder.

npm run build

Create Vue JS Application Step4

13. After build complete, all necessary files for deployment on SAP Cloud Platform are available under dist directory.

Create Vue JS Application Step5

14. Now zip the dist directory.

Deploying to SAP Cloud Platform

15. Open SAP Web IDE Full Stack and create a new project by choosing SAPUI5 Application as a template.

16. Now remove all the files under your project, as these will not be needed for Vue.js application.

Deploy VueJS application in SAP Cloud Platform Step1

17. Right click on the project and choose Import.

Deploy VueJS application in SAP Cloud Platform Step2

18. Choose the zip file created above in Step-14 which is deployment ready Vue.js application.

Deploy VueJS application in SAP Cloud Platform Step3

19. After import, your project structure will look like below.

Deploy VueJS application in SAP Cloud Platform Step4

20. Right click on the project and deploy the project to SAP Cloud Platform.

Deploy VueJS application in SAP Cloud Platform Step5

21. Choose Deploy.

Deploy VueJS application in SAP Cloud Platform Step6

22. The Vue.js application is successfully deployed to SAP Cloud Platform.

Deploy VueJS application in SAP Cloud Platform Step7

23. Click on the project name, and get the Application URL.

Deploy VueJS application in SAP Cloud Platform Step8

24. Run the application URL in the browser. Hurrah!! we have Vue.js application running in SAP Cloud Platform.

Deploy VueJS application in SAP Cloud Platform Step9

Congrats!! you have successfully learned to deploy Vue.js applications on SAP Cloud Platform.

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