Kyma Runtime in SAP Cloud Platform getting started guide


Dear SAPLearners, in this blog post we will learn how to get started with the Kyma runtime in SAP Cloud Platform.

Kyma Runtime (K8S)

Kyma( kee-ma ) is a platform to develop and deploy applications with serverless functions and microservices. It brings built-in managed service mesh and highly scalable. Its built-on industry-standards and open technology components.

It’s another deployment option in SAP Cloud Platform for cloud-native development based apps and services. Other available environments are Cloud Foundry, ABAP Environment and Serverless Runtime.

Getting Started with Kyma Runtime

Kyma runtime is available for free using the trial version from SAP Cloud Platform. In this blog post we will see the how to steps to enable Kyma runtime.

Before you go further, you should have create a SCP trail account and a subaccount created already.

Adding Entitlements

1. Firstly, you need to add kyma runtime entitlements to the subaccount. Navigate to the subaccount.

2. After that choose Entitlements from the left hand-side navigation and select your subaccount and click on Configure Entitlements button.

Kyma Runtime the Extension Factory in SAP Cloud Platform Step1

3. Choose Add Service Plans.

Kyma Runtime the Extension Factory in SAP Cloud Platform Step2

4. Search and select the Kyma Runtime from the entitlements list and Save.

Kyma Runtime the Extension Factory in SAP Cloud Platform Step3

Enabling the Kyma runtime

5. Navigate to sub-account overview section and click on Enable Kyma button.

Kyma Runtime the Extension Factory in SAP Cloud Platform Step4

6. Provide Cluster Name and Description and choose Create.

Kyma Runtime the Extension Factory in SAP Cloud Platform Step5

7. It may take some time to create the kyma cluster.

Kyma Runtime the Extension Factory in SAP Cloud Platform Step6

8. Once the creation of Kyma runtime is completed, you can see the link to launch the kyma console.

Kyma Runtime the Extension Factory in SAP Cloud Platform Step7

9. if you click on the link to launch the kyma console dashboard, you should see the below authorization issue because of insufficient permissions, lets add them now.

Kyma Runtime the Extension Factory in SAP Cloud Platform Step8

Provide Permissions to access Kyma runtime

10. Open your sub-account, choose Security -> Role Collections and click on + icon to create a new role collection.

Kyma Runtime the Extension Factory in SAP Cloud Platform Step9

11. Assign below role templates to the newly created role collection.

Kyma Runtime the Extension Factory in SAP Cloud Platform Step10

12. Subsequently, navigate to Trust Configuration and assign the role collection to the user.

Kyma Runtime the Extension Factory in SAP Cloud Platform Step11

13. Launch the kyma console dashboard. 🎉🎉

Kyma Runtime the Extension Factory in SAP Cloud Platform Step12


Congrats!! 👏 you have successfully started with the kyma runtime in SAP Cloud Platform. This is just an introductory blog post and we will be writing more tutorials on Kyma runtime.

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