VYAF0 is a standard SAP tcode used to perform Define General Invoicing Runtime task in SAP ERP (or) S/4HANA system.
Program | |
Package | FS-CD: Collections/Disbursements Functionality (ISCDFUN) |
Technical Component | Collections/Disbursements (FS-CD) |
The SAP tcode VYAF0 is available within SAP ECC, SAP S/4HANA On-premise and SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud systems depending on the version and release level.
SAP S/4HANA Version | Available? |
1909 | Yes |
2020 | Yes |
2021 | Yes |
2022 | Yes |
2023 | Yes |
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The following is the list of SAP transaction codes related to VYAF0.
SAP TCode | Description |
CD | IMG for FS-CD |
FQV093 | RFC Destination |
FQV094 | Derivation Ext. Product & Rev. Type |
FQV095 | Derivation HVORG/TVORG for Tax Line |
FQV096 | Tax-Rel. Insurance Object Categories |
FSCDEXPIRY1 | Create Expiry Notes |
FVVOZ | Balance Interest Calc. Ins. Object |
GSFNR | Document Display for a GSFNR |
S_KK4_08000096 | S_KK4_08000096 |
S_KK4_08000468 | IMG Activity: _ISISFICA_COINHVTV |
S_KK4_08000477 | IMG Activity: _ISISFICA_V_TKKV007D |
S_KK4_08000478 | IMG Activity: _ISISFICA_V_TKKV007E |
S_KK4_08000479 | IMG Activity: _ISISFICA_V_TKKV007C |
S_KK4_08000480 | IMG Activity: _ISISFICA_VYTAX1 |
S_KK4_08000481 | IMG Activity: _ISISFICA_VYAC23 |
S_KK4_08000482 | IMG Activity: _ISISFICA_VYAS43 |
S_KK4_08000483 | IMG Activity: _ISISFICA_ARCHBALINT |
S_KK4_08000484 | IMG Activity: _ISISFICA_ARCHCOIN |
S_KK4_08000501 | IMG Activity: _ISISFICA_BROK_FQKPT |
S_KK4_08000511 | IMG Activity: _ISISFICA_VY_V131 |
S_KK4_08000512 | IMG Activity: _ISISFICA_VY_V132 |
TFSCD_ACTIVATE_OPORD | Classification Key and Direct Input |
TOM0 | Clearing |
UY6O | Cust. posting area V100 |
UY7O | Cust. posting area 1110 |
UYM8 | Display Transfer Doc Data (new) |
VAH1 | Display Invoicing Items |
VAUGL_INFO | Forward Clearing Information |
VAZE | Credit Splitting (Multiple Payts) |
VCFCL | Clarif.Processing: Money Laundering |
VITATAX | Correction Run for Italian Taxes |
VKK1 | IS-IS/PP Ins. Solution Customizing |
VKKM | Contract A/R + A/P |
VKKMNEW | Contract A/R + A/P |
VKKMOLD | FS-CD Area Menu |
VKTT | Test Partners DI/RFC |
VPVA | Dunning Proposal Insurance |
VPVB | Dunning Activities |
VPVC | Activities End Dunning Procedure |
VRAA | Maintain Coinsurer Specifications |
VRAB | Transactions Postings Coins. Shares |
VRCN | Posting Coinsurance Shares |
VRCNHIST | Coinsurance History |
VSC05 | Tax Specifications |
VSIP | Contract Selection |
VVATAX1 | Archive Italian Tax Reporting |
VVATAX2 | AS Activate Italian Tax Reporting |
VVKK_CLEARING_CHECK | Activate Test: Money Laundering Law |
VVO1 | Manage Contracts With AcctBalIntCalc |
VVOC | Create Ins. Obj. Int. Bal. Letter |
VVOH | Bal. Int. Calc. History Ins. Obj. |
VVOSUM | Summarization for Bal. Int. Calc. |
VVOSUMA | Bal. Int. Calc.: Summarization |
VVOZ | Balance Interest Calc. Ins. Object |
VVOZACT | AcctBalIntCalcCurrChange: Activities |
VVOZACTDEF | Currency Change: Define Activities |
VVOZCURR | Permitted Currency Change |
VVOZCURRSW | CurrChangeContractsAcctBalIntCalc. |
VVOZINS_OBEGR | Number Range Maintenance: VVOZINSEXT |
VVVORG | Customize Transactions |
VXC1 | Activation of Future Changes |
VXF1 | Retransfer Posting Data |
VXH1 | Transfer to general ledger |
VY01 | Maintain account function modules |
VY04 | Start Excel with test data |
VY05 | List documents |
VY08 | String search in source code |
VY13 | DME processing |
VY21 | List RFC errors |
VY22 | Maintain account function modules |
VY23 | Maintain account function modules |
VY40 | Delete contract data |
VY41 | Delete dunning history w/VVKKMHIST |
VY6A | Clearing Customiz.: Deadline variant |
VY6B | Clearing Customizing: Ordinality |
VY6C | Clearing Customizing: Sort. variants |
VY6D | Clearing Customiz: Min amt variants |
VY6E | Clearing Customizing: Variants |
VY6F | Clearing Customizing: Item cats |
VY6G | Clearing Customiz: DocType->ItmCat |
VY6H | Acct Det. Reconc. Acct |
VY6I | Revenue acct: acct determination |
VY6J | Adv. pyt post reasons: acct determ. |
VY6K | Acct Det. Reconc. Acct |
VY6KF | Customer-Specific Acct Determination |
VY6M | Acct det: Automatic clearing |
VY6N | Cust. posting area V100 |
VY6O | Cust. posting area 1110 |
VY6P | Cust. Bank Clrg / Clarif. Acct – DME |
VY6Q | Acct Determination: Coll. Invoices |
VY6S | Transactions For Simulated Items |
VY6T | Assign Transactions To Interest Keys |
VY6U | Parameters for Currency Change |
VY6V | G/L Accounts for Currency Change |
VY6W | Parameters for Transfer Postings |
VY6X | Closing Parameters |
VY6Y | Customizing Acct Default Vals |
VY7C | Customizing: Dunning amt limits |
VY7D | Customizing: Dunning charges |
VY7F | Customizing: Dunning grouping |
VY7G | Dunning proc. det. posting area:V201 |
VY7H | Det DP Post Area V200 (old in V2.2) |
VY7I | Det. Posting Area Dep Acct Interest |
VY7J | Det. Dunning Proc. Postg Area V500 |
VY7K | Acct Det.: Revenue/Contract Acct |
VY7L | CD Customizing Basic Settings |
VY7M | Parameters for Open Account Clearing |
VY7S | Customizing: Dunning block reasons |
VY7T | Dunn. Determ. Posting Area: V202 |
VY8A | Account Determination |
VYAAS | Doc. Type for Clearing Oldest Debt |
VYAC21 | Coinsurance Reporting Archiv. |
VYAC22 | Maintain General Coins. Runtime |
VYAC23 | Activate AS for Coinsurance |
VYAF | Invoicing History Archiving |
VYAF1 | Define Runtime for Invoicing Types |
VYAG0 | Archiving Money Laundering Laws |
VYAG1 | Maintain Money Laundering Runtime |
VYAM0 | Archiving of Broker Reports |
VYAM1 | Maintain Gen. Broker Report Runtime |
VYAR | FS-CD: Posting Data Archiving |
VYAS01 | Display ISCD Broker Report Info Str. |
VYAS21 | Activate AS for Broker Report Arch. |
VYAS31 | Activate AS for invoicing history |
VYAS41 | Bal. Int. Calc. Hist. Archive |
VYAS42 | Maintain Gen. AcctBalIntCalcRuntime |
VYAS43 | Activate AS for Acct Bal. Int. Calc. |
VYAUG | Clrg Restrictions for Transactions |
VYBEZ | Item Is Regarded as Cleared, if: |
VYBT | Field Status Setting for Doc Cat. |
VYCA | Customizing: Cancel. Reason |
VYCB | Customizing: Posting reasons |
VYCC | Customizing: Document type |
VYCD | Bank Acct Customizing |
VYCE | Customizing Selection for Clearing |
VYCF | Customizing: Invoice Types |
VYCG | Customizing: TKKVABGRB |
VYCH | Customizing: Notes to the Clerk |
VYCM | Customizing: Doc Dunning Procedure |
VYCO | Posting Specs for Coins. Shares |
VYCOV004 | Create Insurance Invoices |
VYCOV008 | Create Insurance Quotations |
VYCOV018 | Create Tax Office Certificates |
VYCOV032 | Create Balanced Contract Statements |
VYCOV033 | Create Ins. Balance Notifications |
VYCQ | Customizing: Doc Type Deter. |
VYCR | Customizing: Returns Reasons |
VYCS | Customizing: Line Table TKKVSPAR |
VYCU | Customizing for Sublines of Bus. |
VYCV | Customizing: Summarization |
VYCW | Customizing – Money Laundering Rptg |
VYCX | Maintain Customer LR Enhancements |
VYEV | Define External Transactions |
VYIE | Assign External Transactions |
VYIV | Define Internal Transactions |
VYKO | Open Item Accounting Carryforward |
VYM10 | Contract Dun. Status |
VYM7 | FI-CA Dunning History Archvg |
VYM9 | Define Dunning Archiving Runtime |
VYSA | Reconcil. Progr. for Posting Run |
VYSP | Parallelized Debit Entry |
VYT1 | Note to Clerk from Clearing |
VYTAX02 | List Creation for Tax Report |
VYTAX1 | Insurance Tax Schedule Specs |
VYTAX2 | Transaction-Relevant Tax Code |
VYTAX3 | Main/Subtransaction for Payt on Acct |
VYZ0 | Customizing: Bank Clearing Accts |
VYZ1 | Customizing: Payment Frequency |
VYZ10 | Customizing POKEN -> Payt lock rsn |
VYZ2 | Customizing: Automatic Payments |
VYZ3 | Customizing: FMs for Due Dates |
VYZ6 | Customizing Act. Commission |
VYZ9 | Start Workflows for Clarif. Cases |
VY_TT_1 | Transaction for TKKV_T1 |
VY_V011 | Cust. Receivables/Payables |
VY_V021 | Cust. Revenues/Expenses |
VY_V050 | Customizing Posting Area V050 |
VY_V131 | Transaction-Relevant Tax Code |
VY_V132 | Activity Code/Distribution Type Arg. |
VY_V133 | Classification Determination (Taxes) |
V_AUGL_AS | Clearing for Oldest Debt |