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SAP TCode SBDC_APP_AREAS – Maintenance Batch Input Appl. Areas

SBDC_APP_AREAS is a standard SAP tcode used to perform Maintenance Batch Input Appl. Areas task in SAP ERP (or) S/4HANA system.This blog post provides key technical details about SAP TCode SBDC_APP_AREAS, including its availability across SAP S/4HANA versions and related tcodes.

Package SAP Batch Input (SBDC)
Technical Component UI Services, Screen, Batch Input (BC-ABA-SC)


The SAP tcode SBDC_APP_AREAS is available within SAP ECC, SAP S/4HANA On-premise and SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud systems depending on the version and release level.

SAP S/4HANA Version Available?
1909 Yes
2020 Yes
2021 Yes
2022 Yes
2023 Yes

The following is the list of SAP transaction codes related to SBDC_APP_AREAS.

SAP TCode SAP TCode Description
SHDB Batch Input Transaction Recorder
SM35 Batch Input Monitoring
SM35P Batch Input: Log Monitoring
SM35PSA Batch Input: Logs in My Area
SM35PSM Batch Input: My Logs
SM35SA Batch Input Sessions in My Area
SM35SJ Batch Input Sessions of a Job
SM35SM My Batch Input Sessions