Sunday, September 8, 2024

SAP TCode S_SH8_84000324 – Develop Enh. for Determ. Country/MTC Combination in Shipping/Sales

S_SH8_84000324 is a standard SAP tcode used to perform Develop Enh. for Determ. Country/MTC Combination in Shipping/Sales task in SAP ERP (or) S/4HANA system.This blog post provides key technical details about SAP TCode S_SH8_84000324, including its availability across SAP S/4HANA versions and related tcodes.

Package EH&S: Dangerous Goods Management (CBDG)
Technical Component Dangerous Goods Management (EHS-DGP)

SAP Customizing tables related to S_SH8_84000324

SAP Tcode S_SH8_84000324 is the IMG activity to Develop Enh. for Determ. Country/MTC Combination in Shipping/Sales in SPRO. Following is the list of tables that are updated with IMG activity.

Table Description
MODTEXT Enhancement Projects – Short Texts
MODATTR Attributes of Extension Projects
MODACT Modifications


The SAP Tcode S_SH8_84000324 is available within SAP ECC, SAP S/4HANA On-premise and SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud systems depending on the version and release level.

SAP S/4HANA Version Available?
1909 Yes
2020 Yes
2021 Yes
2022 Yes
2023 Yes

The following is the list of SAP transaction codes related to S_SH8_84000324.

SAP TCode SAP TCode Description
DGA1 DG: Activation DG Checks
DGA10 Assign DG check schema/SD documents
DGA2 DG-Check Schema-Determ. Routine
DGA3 DG – Check Methods
DGA4 Usage Profile DG Check Routines
DGA5 DG: Countries en Route
DGA6 DG: Alloctn Chk Schema/Chk Methods
DGA7 Usage Context DG Check Schema
DGA8 DG-CheckSchemaDetRoutineShipmentDoc
DGA9 Allocate DG-CheckSchema/ShipmentDoc
DGAA DG: Output Cond. for MatMast Fields
DGAB DG: Profile for DG Ind. in Del. Head
DGAC DG: Controlling EDI Processing
DGC2 DG: Specify Transport Type
DGC4 DG: Define DG Classes
DGC5 DG: Define Water Pollution Classes
DGC6 DG: Specify Danger Label
DGC8 Text IDs standard/user-defined texts
DGC9 DG: Dialog type for ident. no.
DGCA DG: Hazard Notes
DGCB DG: Labels for Printing
DGCC DG: Hazard Identification Numbers
DGCD DG: Hazard-Inducing Substances
DGCE DG: VbF Classes
DGCF DG: Storage Hazard Classes
DGCG DG: Processing Status
DGCH DG: Maintain indicator profile
DGCI DG: Date Determination
DGCK Txt names for DG MatMast ind. txts
DGCL DG: Primary and Secondary Languages
DGCM DG: Assign check list
DGCN DG: Assign check list (pack.)
DGCR DG: Regulations
DGCS Texts for mode of transport cats.
DGCV DG UN Number and Description
DGCW Reactivate DG Indicators
DGD1 Maint. and Assign Regulation Profile
DGD2 Assignmt Regul. Profile/Indic. Cat.
DGD3 Checkbox Struc. for T/O-T Materials
DGE4 First database via DGP1
DGE5 DG Filling from Spec. Management
DGE6 DG Simul. of Filling from Spec. Mgmt
DGP0 Basic Data: Environment
DGP1 Create Dangerous Goods Master
DGP10 Generate Phrase Sets
DGP2 Change Dangerous Goods Master
DGP3 Display Dangerous Goods Master
DGP5 Report for sending dangerous goods
DGP5S Report to Simulate Sending
DGP7 Display import logs
DGP8 Delete import logs
DGP9 Activate phrase library
DGPEX2 Exceptions to DG Regulations:
DGPEX3 Exceptions to DG Regulations:
DGPEX5 Init.Distr. of Exceptions to DG Regs
DGPREL Dangerous Goods Product Release
DGR1 Displaying DG master data
DGR2 Dangerous goods: Change document
DGR3 Display DG Packaging Data
DGR4 Display DG Packaging Data
DGSD Display Report Logs
DGU0 DG: Conversion of Customizing Tables
DGU1 DG: Conversion of DG Reg. tables
DGU2 DG: Conversion Texts/Descriptions
DGU3 DG: Converting the DG Descriptions
DGUC DG: Test refer. integrity regulation
DGUD DG: Test ref. integrity of C tables
DGUM DG: Convert field LWDG to MasterData
DGUT Migrate Indicators for Transport
S_SH8_84000305 IMG Activity: GGA_300_140
S_SH8_84000306 IMG Activity: GGA_300_100
S_SH8_84000307 IMG Activity: GGA_100_320
S_SH8_84000308 IMG Activity: GGA_100_310
S_SH8_84000309 IMG Activity: GGA_100_290
S_SH8_84000310 IMG Activity: GGA_300_180
S_SH8_84000311 IMG Activity: GGA_300_170_300
S_SH8_84000312 IMG Activity: GGA_300_170_200
S_SH8_84000313 IMG Activity: GGA_300_170_100
S_SH8_84000314 IMG Activity: GGA_300_160
S_SH8_84000315 IMG Activity: GGA_100_430
S_SH8_84000316 IMG Activity: GGA_100_270
S_SH8_84000317 IMG Activity: GGA_100_250
S_SH8_84000318 IMG Activity: GGA_100_200
S_SH8_84000319 IMG Activity: GGA_100_150
S_SH8_84000320 IMG Activity: GGA_100_100
S_SH8_84000321 IMG Activity: GGA_100_420
S_SH8_84000322 IMG Activity: GGA_100_280
S_SH8_84000323 IMG Activity: GGA_100_240
S_SH8_84000325 IMG Activity: GGA_100_410
S_SH8_84000326 IMG Activity: GGA_300_190_300
S_SH8_84000327 IMG Activity: GGA_300_190_200
S_SH8_84000328 IMG Activity: GGA_300_190_100
S_SH8_84000329 IMG Activity: GGA_300_480
S_SH8_84000330 IMG Activity: GGA_300_470
S_SH8_84000331 IMG Activity: GGA_400_200
S_SH8_84000332 IMG Activity: GGA_400_180
S_SH8_84000333 IMG Activity: GGA_400_120
S_SH8_84000334 IMG Activity: GGA_400_100
S_SH8_84000335 IMG Activity: GGA_400_050
S_SH8_84000336 IMG Activity: GGA_300_440
S_SH8_84000337 IMG Activity: GGA_300_112
S_SH8_84000338 IMG Activity: GGA_300_120
S_SH8_84000339 IMG Activity: GGA_300_202
S_SH8_84000340 IMG Activity: GGA_300_200
S_SH8_84000341 IMG Activity: GGA_200_204
S_SH8_84000342 IMG Activity: GGA_300_450
S_SH8_84000343 IMG Activity: GGA_300_460
S_SH8_84000344 IMG Activity: GGA_300_420
S_SH8_84000345 IMG Activity: GGA_300_430
S_SH8_84000346 IMG Activity: GGA_300_410
S_SH8_84000347 IMG Activity: GGA_800_200
S_SH8_84000348 IMG Activity: EHS_MD_130_30
S_SH8_84000349 IMG Activity: GGA_200_100_145
S_SH8_84000350 IMG Activity: GGA_200_300_220
S_SH8_84000351 IMG Activity: GGA_200_300_160
S_SH8_84000352 IMG Activity: GGA_200_300_140
S_SH8_84000353 IMG Activity: GGA_200_200_100
S_SH8_84000354 IMG Activity: GGA_200_300_120
S_SH8_84000355 IMG Activity: GGA_200_300_170
S_SH8_84000356 IMG Activity: GGA_200_100_180
S_SH8_84000357 IMG Activity: GGA_200_100_155
S_SH8_84000358 IMG Activity: GGA_200_100_140
S_SH8_84000359 IMG Activity: GGA_200_100_170
S_SH8_84000360 IMG Activity: GGA_100_300
S_SH8_84000361 IMG Activity: GGA_100_350
S_SH8_84000362 IMG Activity: GGA_500_100
S_SH8_84000363 IMG Activity: GGA_200_300_110
S_SH8_84000364 IMG Activity: GGA_200_300_100
S_SH8_84000365 IMG Activity: GGA_200_100_150
S_SH8_84000366 IMG Activity: GGA_200_300_200
S_SH8_84000367 IMG Activity: GGA_200_100_130
S_SH8_84000368 IMG Activity: GGA_200_200_110
S_SH8_84000369 IMG Activity: GGA_200_200_200
S_SH8_84000370 IMG Activity: GGA_700_100
S_SH8_84000371 IMG Activity: GGA_810_050_100
S_SH8_84000372 IMG Activity: GGA_810_050_200
S_SH8_84000373 IMG Activity: GGA_810_050_300
S_SH8_84000374 IMG Activity: GGA_800_120
S_SH8_84000375 IMG Activity: GGA_200_200_120
S_SH8_84000376 IMG Activity: GGA_200_300_150
S_SH8_84000377 IMG Activity: GGA_200_300_180
S_SH8_84000378 IMG Activity: GGA_400_250
S_SH8_84000379 IMG Activity: GGA_200_100_165
S_SH8_84000380 IMG Activity: GGA_800_060
S_SH8_84000381 IMG Activity: GGA_800_150