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SAP TCode ABGL – Enter Credit Memo in Year of Invoice

ABGL is a standard SAP tcode used to perform Enter Credit Memo in Year of Invoice task in SAP ERP (or) S/4HANA system.This blog post provides key technical details about SAP TCode ABGL, including its availability across SAP S/4HANA versions and related tcodes.

Package Asset Accounting (AB)
Technical Component Basic Functions (FI-AA-AA)


The SAP tcode ABGL is available within SAP ECC, SAP S/4HANA On-premise and SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud systems depending on the version and release level.

SAP S/4HANA Version Available?
1909 Yes
2020 Yes
2021 Yes
2022 Yes
2023 Yes

The following is the list of SAP transaction codes related to ABGL.

SAP TCode SAP TCode Description
AB01 Create asset transactions
AB02 Change asset document
AB03 Display Asset Document
AB08 Reverse Line Items
ABAA Unplanned depreciation
ABAD Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer
ABAKN Last Retirement on Group Asset
ABAO Asset Sale Without Customer
ABAON Asset Sale Without Customer
ABAV Asset Retirement by Scrapping
ABAVN Asset Retirement by Scrapping
ABAW Balance sheet revaluation
ABAWN New value method
ABB1 Correction of Asset Accounts
ABCO Adjustment Posting to Areas
ABGF Credit Memo in Year after Invoice
ABIF Investment support
ABMA Manual depreciation
ABMR Manual transfer of reserves
ABMW Reverse asset trans. using doc. no.
ABNA Post-capitalization
ABNAN Post-Capitalization
ABNE Subsequent Revenue
ABNK Subsequent Costs
ABSO Miscellaneous Transactions
ABT1N Intercompany Asset Transfer
ABUM Transfer From
ABUMN Transfer within Company Code
ABZE Acquisition from in-house production
ABZK Acquisition from purchase w. vendor
ABZO Asset acquis. autom. offset. posting
ABZON Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry
ABZP Acquistion from affiliated company
ABZU Write-up
ABZV Asset Acquis. Posted w/Clearing Acct
AR11 Investment Grants
AR13 Call Up Prim. Cost Plan. Dep./Int.
AR13_RESET Reset Plan Values
F-90 Acquisition from purchase w. vendor
F-91 Asset Acquis. Posted w/Clearing Acct
F-92 Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer
S_ALR_87099918 Primary Cost Planning Dep./Interest