PREC is a standard SAP tcode used to perform Travel Expenses Accounting Program task in SAP ERP (or) S/4HANA system.
Program | RPRTEC00 |
Package | Travel Management Add-On (PTRA_ADDON) |
Technical Component | Travel Expenses (FI-TV-COS) |
The SAP tcode PREC is available within SAP ECC, SAP S/4HANA On-premise and SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud systems depending on the version and release level.
SAP S/4HANA Version | Available? |
1909 | Yes |
2020 | Yes |
2021 | Yes |
2022 | Yes |
2023 | Yes |
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The following is the list of SAP transaction codes related to PREC.
SAP TCode | Description |
CALL_BLKCLM | Call View Column Attributes |
FVCP | Copy Program for Form Variants |
PR00 | Travel expenses |
PR01 | Maintain (Old) Trip Data |
PR02 | Travel Calendar |
PR03 | Trip Advances |
PR04 | Edit Weekly Reports |
PR05 | Travel Expense Manager |
PR05_ESS | Travel Expense Manager via ESS |
PR10 | Number Range Maint.: RP_REINR |
PR11 | Number range maint.: HRTR_PDOC |
PR12 | Number Range Maint. for Posting Runs |
PR20 | Create Trip |
PR706Z | Copy T706Z -> T706Z1 |
PR71 | Customizing Coding Block 1701 |
PR72 | Customizing Coding Block 1702 |
PR73 | Customizing Coding Block 1703 |
PRAA | Automatic Vendor Maintenance |
PRAP | Approval of Trips |
PRC2 | Customizing Coding Block 1200 |
PRC7 | Customizing Coding Block 1700 |
PRCC | Import Credit Card Files |
PRCCD | Display Credit Card Receipts |
PRCCE | Process Incorrect Transactions |
PRCCF | Generate File with Correct Trnsactns |
PRCCM | Move Credit Card Receipt |
PRCCM_LOG | Log for Moved Receipts |
PRCCR | Re-Activate corrected transactions |
PRCCT | Create Credit Card Clearing TestFile |
PRCC_CDF3 | Obsolete; Use PRCC_CDF3_V2 |
PRCC_CDF3_V2 | MC CDF3 Credit Card File V2 |
PRCC_DEL | Delete credit card accounting runs |
PRCC_DEL_LOG | Show log for deleted accounting runs |
PRCC_GL1025 | AMEX GL1025 Credit Card File |
PRCC_VCF4 | VISA VCF4 Credit Card File |
PRCD | Delete/Copy Trip Countries |
PRCO | Copy Trip Provision Variant |
PRCR | Travel Expense PDs/FRs: Download |
PRCT | Current Settings |
PRCU | Check Printing USA |
PRD1 | Create DME |
PRDE | Delete Trip Prov.Variant |
PRDH | Employees with Exceeded Trip Days |
PRDO | Generate Participant List Template |
PRDX | Call Country Version DME Pre.Program |
PREP | Import Program for Per Diems |
PREX | Create expense report |
PRF0 | Standard Form |
PRF1 | Summarized Form 1 |
PRF2 | Summarized Form 2 |
PRFI | Posting to Financial Accounting |
PRFW | Income-rel.Expenses Statement |
PRHD | Maximum Value Delimitation for Meals |
PRHH | Scale Maximum Amounts for Meals |
PRHP | Scale Per Diems for Meals |
PRMC | Travel Expenses: Feature TRVCT |
PRMD | Maintain HR Master Data |
PRMF | Travel Expenses: Feature TRVFD |
PRML | Set Country Grouping via Dialog Box |
PRMM | Personnel Actions |
PRMO | Travel Expenses: Feature TRVCO |
PRMP | Travel Expenses: Feature TRVPA |
PRMS | Display HR Master Data |
PRMT | Update Matchcode T |
PRPD | Delimitation of Per Diems for Meals |
PRPL | Create Travel Plan |
PRPY | Transfer to External Payroll |
PRRL | Reset Trips to ‘To be Accounted’ |
PRRQ | Create Travel Request |
PRRW | Post Accounting Data |
PRSC | Record: Start Values for Trip Chain |
PRST | Period Statistics |
PRTA | Overview of Travel Expense Reports |
PRTAXFIN | Tax Report Finland |
PRTC | Display Imported Documents |
PRTE | Trip Details |
PRTS | Overview of Trips |
PRUL | Travel Expense PDs/FRs: Upload |
PRVH | Scale Maximum Amounts for Meals |
PRVP | Scale Per Diems for Meals |
PRVT | VAT Recovery |
PRWA | Display Archived Travel Documents |
PRWW | Expense Reports (Offline) |
PR_ADMIN_TC | Administrate Credit Card Buffer |
PR_ADMIN_TC_LOG | Log For TC Buffer Admin. |
PR_CHECK | Check Customizing Settings |
PR_DEL_LOG | Log for Deleted Trips |
PTRV_AD_HOC_QUERY | Travel Management Queries |
PTRV_BSTAT | Create and Maintain Trip Statistics |
PTRV_CALC | Pocket Calculator |
PTRV_CATSXT | Integration Trip -> CATSXT |
PTRV_CATS_APPR | Integration Trip -> CATSXT |
PTRV_FI_PAYMENT_DATE | Determine FI Payment Date |
PTRV_MILEAGE | Mileage Data |
PTRV_OFFLINE | Activate Offline Travel Manager |
PTRV_PAYMENT_HISTORY | Travel Expenses Payment History |
PTRV_QUERY | Travel Management Queries |
PTRV_RESPO | Contact Partner Responsibilities |
PTRV_RTREE | Display Trav. Management Report Tree |
PTRV_STAT | Customizing HR Trip Statistics |
S_AHR_61018613 | Cost Assignment for Trip |
S_EH5_01000002 | Find Nonpaper Expense Receipts |
S_EH5_01000312 | Related Receipts for EU VAT Refund |
S_EHI_96001395 | Allowed File Types and File Size |
S_L9C_94000471 | Payroll schema |
S_PH0_48000067 | Standard Text Names |
S_PH0_48000327 | Import Per Diems/Flat Rates |
S_PH0_48000412 | Links for Travel Manager |
S_PH9_46000255 | Flight Availability Settings |
S_PH9_46000520 | Travel Expenses Clerk |
TRIP | Travel Manager |
TRIP_EWT | Travel Manager |