Register your first ODATA Service


Dear SAPLearners, in this tutorial we will learn how to register the OData service to be able to access from the applications.

After modeling and implementing the service we have to register the OData service to use it. Previous SAP OData tutorials can be accessed here. So lets get started

Step-by-Step Procedure

1. To register the OData service go to /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE transaction. Add “/n” in-front of the tcode.

2. Click on Add Service button to register the service.


3. Search for the service name in the system where you have created your service. Click on Get Services

Hub Deployment – Provide the alias as your back-end system.

Embedded Deployment – Provide “LOCAL”


4. Select the service and Click in Add Selected Service button.


5. Assign the package to the service and leave other fields as it is and Click on OK.


6. You will get below popup saying that service is registered successfully.


7. Go back to service maintenance tcode /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE. You will find the service and technical name of the service will be <ProjectName>_SRV.


Please stay tuned to us for more OData tutorials.

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