SAP Web IDE Local Installation steps


What is SAP Web IDE?

SAP Web IDE is the browser based development tool used to develop extend standard Fiori apps and develop Fiori like apps from scratch.

It is SAP’s browser-based development tool for SAPUI5 development.This development tool is available in HANA Cloud Platform and Local Installation.Local installation of Web IDE is non-productive version mainly focused to explore the features of Web IDE and know about the tool to develop Fiori like apps in SAP.

Note: This tutorial is no longer valid and we recommend to user SAP Business Application Studio for UI5 and Fiori development. Check out our tutorials here

In this tutorial, we will explain how to install and configure SAP Web IDE locally. In our next posts we will explain how to build Fiori like apps integrating with SAP Netweaver gateway system.

SAP Web IDE Local installation Steps

1. Please download the SAP Web IDE local installation guide from here.

2. Go to the Section-3 Getting Started in the document to download the Eclipse Orion Server and Standalone p2 Director. Please strictly follow all the steps mentioned in the Section-3 in the installation guide.

3. After installing the Eclipse Orion Server and Standalone p2 Director, our next step is to download the SAP WebIDE trail version from SAP store. Click below link to get it.

4. Once you click on Trail Version, you will be prompted with a form, provide your details. After filling the form you will receive an email and a download link to download the SAP WebIDE.

5. After downloading the SAP WebIDE, go back to the installation guide to section 3.1.1-Installing SAP WebIDE. Install the Orion Server as per the document using “cmd console”. After successful installation you should see the below screen. For reference, please look at the below screen.

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6. After installing the Orion Server we need to start the server. To start the server, identify the path of “orion.exe” file and double click. If you have followed the document, you can find the “orion.exe” file here C:\SAPWebIDE\eclipse.


7. You will see the below screen, if server started successfully.

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8. Start the SAP WebIDE using this URL – http://localhost:8080/webide/index.html.

9. You will see the below screen, before starting the WebIDE you need a Orion account, sing up for one in the same screen.


10. After signing up, SAP WebIDE tool will be launched.


Now you have installed and configured the SAP WebIDE locally. Please comment if you stuck some where. Stay tuned for more tutorials on how to build SAP UI5 applications and extend SAP Fiori Apps using SAP WebIDE tool.

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