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SAP CRMC_BCASE_CRDAC Table – CRM Briefcase: Briefing Card actions

The CRMC_BCASE_CRDAC table in SAP ERP or S/4HANA stores CRM Briefcase: Briefing Card actions data. There are total 3 fields in CRMC_BCASE_CRDAC table. The CRM Briefcase: Briefing Card actions table is available in all major SAP S/4HANA versions, is implemented as a Column Store table within the SAP HANA database. Additionally we provide an overview of the structure and fields of CRMC_BCASE_CRDAC table. It is in CRM Generic UIU Briefcase Customizing (CRM_UIU_BRIEFCASE_CUST) ABAP package and is part of the Interaction Center WebClient (CRM-IC) module.


Following is the list of fields that are available in SAP CRMC_BCASE_CRDAC table. The primary key fields of the table are MANDT (Client).

Field Description Data Element Check Table Data Type
MANDT Client MANDT T000 CLNT (3)
IP_NAME Component name SEOCMPNAME CHAR (30)
WINDOW Name of BSP Page (Upper and Lower Case) O2PAGEEXT CHAR (70)