WEQDEL is a standard SAP tcode used to perform Delete Inbound IDoc Queue task in SAP ERP (or) S/4HANA system.This blog post provides key technical details about WEQDEL tcode, including its availability across SAP S/4HANA versions and related tcodes.
Package | IDoc Interface (Processing, Administration, Definition) (SED) |
Technical Component | ALE Integration Technology (BC-MID-ALE) |
The SAP tcode WEQDEL is available within SAP ECC, SAP S/4HANA On-premise and SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud systems depending on the version and release level.
SAP S/4HANA Version | Available? |
1909 | Yes |
2020 | Yes |
2021 | Yes |
2022 | Yes |
2023 | Yes |
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The following is the list of SAP transaction codes related to WEQDEL.
SAP TCode | Description |
BASIS_CL01 | Call CL01 (if it exists) |
BASIS_CL02 | Call CL02 (if it exists) |
BASIS_O1CL | Call O1CL (if it exists) |
IDOC | IDoc: Repair and check programs |
OYEA | IDoc administration |
OYEB | Event Linkage for Inbound IDocs |
OYEC | Delete codes for process technology |
OYED | Conversion EDIS -> EDIR |
OYSM | Number Range tRFC Port |
OYSN | Number Range IDoc |
OYSO | Number Range R/2 Mailbag |
OYSP | Process codes <-> standard tasks |
OYSQ | Number range for R/2-R/3 linkage |
SBPT | Administration Process Technology |
SRTIDOC | Inbound SOAP: Register Service |
S_BCE_68000363 | IMG Activity: SIMG_OBPTAUTOCUSTOM |
S_BCE_68000364 | IMG Activity: SIMG_OBPTEVENTCOUP |
S_BCE_68000365 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOEDIWE46 |
S_BCE_68000368 | IMG Activity: EDI-03 |
S_BCE_68000370 | IMG Activity: SIMG_OBPTFEHLER |
S_BCE_68000371 | IMG Activity: SIMG_OBPTEDISEDIR |
S_BCE_68000372 | IMG Activity: SIMG_OBPTDELOLDAPPL |
WE02 | Display IDoc |
WE05 | IDoc Lists |
WE06 | Active IDoc monitoring |
WE07 | IDoc statistics |
WE08 | Display File Interface Level |
WE09 | Search for IDocs by Content |
WE10 | Search for IDocs by Content |
WE11 | Delete IDocs |
WE12 | Test Modified Inbound File |
WE14 | Test Outbound Processing |
WE15 | Test Outbound Processing from MC |
WE16 | Test Inbound File |
WE17 | Test Status File |
WE18 | Create Status File |
WE19 | Test tool |
WE20 | Partner Profiles |
WE20BGRFC | Settings for Inb. Proc. Using bgRFC |
WE21 | Port definition |
WE23 | Verification of IDoc processing |
WE24 | DefaultValuesForOutboundParameters |
WE27 | DefaultValues for Inbound Parameters |
WE30 | IDoc Type Development |
WE30SNAP | IDoc Type Snapshot |
WE31 | Development IDoc Segment |
WE31OPT | Segment Options |
WE32 | Development IDoc View |
WE35 | Mapping of IDoc Types |
WE36 | Mapping of Segments |
WE40 | IDoc Administration |
WE41 | Process Codes (Outbound) |
WE42 | Process Codes (Inbound) |
WE43 | Funct.module: Status record display |
WE44 | Partner Types and Checks |
WE45 | Forward (inbound) (V3, EDILOGADR) |
WE46 | Error and Status Processing |
WE47 | Status Maintenance |
WE50 | System Process Codes: Texts |
WE51 | System process codes: Change texts |
WE54 | FMs for Changing File Names |
WE55 | Function Module for Path Names |
WE56 | IDoc Administration |
WE57 | Assignment Messages for Appl. Objs |
WE58 | Status Process Codes: Texts |
WE59 | Change Status Process Codes |
WE60 | Documentation for IDoc types |
WE61 | Documentation for IDoc record types |
WE62 | Documentation for segments |
WE63 | Documentation |
WE64 | Documentation message types |
WE70 | Conversion: Basic Types |
WE71 | Conversion: Extensions |
WE72 | Conversion: IDoc Types |
WE73 | Conversion: Logical Messages |
WE81 | Logical message types |
WE82 | Assign Messages for IDoc Type |
WE84 | Assign IDoc and Application Fields |
WE85 | Create Rule Names |
WE85_INBOUND | Create Rule Name (Inbound) |
WE86 | Assignment Segm.Type and Lang.Field |
WE87 | Load MDMP Information |
WEADM | ALE Debugging Control |
WECHECK | Structure Check IDoc |
WECO | System Process Codes |
WECP | Display CPIC Interface Status |
WECRYPTDISPLAY | Fields for Encrypted Display |
WEDI | EDI Basis |
WEIDOCDAAG | IDoc Residence Times |
WEINBQUEUE | Inbound IDoc Queue |
WEL0 | Forward (Inbound) (EDILOGADR) |
WELI | Define Status Groups |
WENOLINKS | Deactivate Link |
WENORM | IDoc Normalization |
WEOUTQUEUE | Outbound IDoc Queue |
WEWL | Define Positive Lists for Ports |