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SAP TCode BUP_REQ_UNBLK – Business partner unblock requests

BUP_REQ_UNBLK is a standard SAP tcode used to perform Business partner unblock requests task in SAP ERP (or) S/4HANA system.This blog post provides key technical details about SAP TCode BUP_REQ_UNBLK, including its availability across SAP S/4HANA versions and related tcodes.

Package SAP Business Partner (BUPA)
Technical Component SAP Business Partner (AP-MD-BP)


The SAP tcode BUP_REQ_UNBLK is available within SAP ECC, SAP S/4HANA On-premise and SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud systems depending on the version and release level.

SAP S/4HANA Version Available?
1909 Yes
2020 Yes
2021 Yes
2022 Yes
2023 Yes

The following is the list of SAP transaction codes related to BUP_REQ_UNBLK.

SAP TCode SAP TCode Description
BDT_COMPARE Compare Control Table Entries
BUA1 Create contact person
BUA2 Change contact person
BUA3 Display contact person
BUB1 BuPR: Create BP relationship
BUB2 BuPR: Change BP relationship
BUB3 BuPR: Display BP relationship
BUB4 BuPR: Create BP role definition
BUB5 BuPR: Change BP role definition
BUB6 BuPR: Display BP role definition
BUB9 BuPR: No. range maintenance: BP rel.
BUBA BuPR: Relationship Categories
BUBB BuPR: Role definition category
BUBD BuPR: Applications
BUBE BuPR: Views
BUBF BuPR: Sections
BUBG BuPR: Screens
BUBH BuPR: Screen Seq. Variants
BUBI BuPR: Events
BUBJ BuPR: GUI Standard Functions
BUBK BuPR: GUI Additonal Functions
BUBL BuPR: Assign Dynpro Field->DB Field
BUBL_DI BP: Allocate DI Field -> DB Field
BUBM BuPR: Tables
BUBN BuPR: Field Groups
BUBO BuPR: Field Grouping (Criteria)
BUBP BuPR: Field Grping Using Rel. Cat.
BUBQ BuPR: Field Grp. Using Role Def.Cat.
BUBR BP: Grouping by Activity (Cust)
BUBS_FRG BP: Field Grpg for Ext.Applications
BUBT BP: Role Definition Types
BUBU BP: Relationship Types
BUBV BP: Maintenance Without Dialog
BUBW BP: Generate Test File (DI)
BUBX BP: Activities
BUBY BP: Grouping by Activity (Ctrl)
BUBZ BP: External Applications
BUC0 BP Cust: Forms of Address
BUC1 BP Cust: Address Type
BUC2 BP Cust: Groupings
BUC3 BP Cust: Data Origin
BUC4 BP Cust: BP Role->Address Type
BUC5 BP Cust: Academic Titles
BUC6 BP Cust: Aristocratic Title
BUC7 BP Cust: Name Affixes
BUC8 BP Cust: Legal Form of Organization
BUC9 BP Cust: Legal Entity Organization
BUCA BP Cust: Industry
BUCC BP Cust: Group Types
BUCD BP Cust: Business Partner Type
BUCF BP Cust: Number Ranges
BUCG BP Cust: BP Role Field Grouping
BUCH BP Cust: Field Grouping Activity
BUCI BP-Cust.: Field Grpng.: Partner Type
BUCJ BP Cust: Authorization Types
BUCK BP Cust: Marital Status
BUCL BP Cust: Occupation/Group
BUCM BP Cust: Legitimation Type
BUCN BP Cust: Field Grps f. Authorization
BUCO BP-Cust: Screen Configuration
BUCP BP-Cust: Fld.modif.exter.application
BUCQ BP-Cust: Evaluation Tables
BUCS BP-Cust: Notes on Roles
BUCT BP-Cust: Define Note Views
BUCU BP Cust: Where-Used List
BUCV BP Cust. Field Grouping Appl.Object
BUCW BP Cust: Trans. f. Address Determin.
BUCX BP Cust: Assign Trans.->Address Type
BUG1 Create Business Partner, General
BUG2 Change Business Partner, General
BUG3 Display Business Partner, General
BUG4 Bus. partner general deletion flag
BUI1 Create Prospect
BUI2 Change Prospect
BUI3 Display Prospect
BUM1 Create Employee (BP)
BUM2 Change Employee (BP)
BUM3 Display Employee (BP)
BUMR BP Relationships: Config. Menu
BUNA Number Range Maintenance: BP_PADRNR
BUP0 BDT, Multiple Call (Funct. Grp BUSS)
BUP1 Create Business Partner
BUP2 Change Business Partner
BUP3 Display Business Partner
BUPA_DEL Deletion without Archiving
BUPA_PRE_DA Flag Business Partner for Deletion
BUPA_PRE_EOP Block Business Partners
BUPA_SORT_MONITOR Display SoRT records
BUPA_UNBLK_MD Unblock Business Partner Master Data
BUPMASS BP Customizing: Mass Changes
BUPSELG0 Generation Program for SELECT OPTION
BUPSELG5 Generation Program for SELECT OPTION
BUPT Business Partner Configuration Menu
BUP_APPR_BLK To Approve/Reject Blocking
BUP_SORT_MONITOR_DEL Monitor and Delete SoRT records
BUR0 BuPR: Contact Person Departments
BUR1 BuPR: Contact Person Functions
BUR2 BuBR: Contact Person Authority
BUR3 BuPR: Contact Person VIP Indicator
BUR4 BP: Marital property regime
BUS0 BDT: Application Objects
BUS1 BDT: Applications
BUS10 BDT: Search Help
BUS11 BDT: Assgn BAPI Field to Field Group
BUS2 BDT: Field Groups
BUS23 BP Tax: Data Sets
BUS3 BDT: Views
BUS4 BDT: Sections
BUS5 BDT: Screens
BUS6 BDT: Screen Sequences
BUS7 BDT: Events
BUS8 BDT: GUI Standard Functions
BUS9 BDT: GUI Additional Functions
BUSB BDT: Assign Screen Field->DB Field
BUSB_DI BDT: Assign DI Field->DB Field
BUSC BDT: Field Grouping Criteria
BUSE BDT: BP Role Groupings
BUSF BDT: Application Transactions
BUSG BDT: Tables
BUSH BDT: External applications
BUSI BDT: Activities
BUSJ BP Control: FuncMod. Activity (Ctrl)
BUSM BDT: Differentiation Types
BUSN BDT: Activity Categories
BUSO BP Cust: BP Cat. Field Grouping
BUSP Generate Screen Containers
BUSRO BP-CUST: Enter Using Search Screen
BUSSA Enter Transaction by Search Screen
BUSWU01 BP Control: Where-Used List,Struct.
BUSWU02 BP Control: Where-Used List, Views
BUSWU03 BP Control: Where-UL, Trans->View
BUSWU04 BP Control: Where-UL, Trans->View
BUSWU11 BP Addresses: Where-UsedL, Structure
BUSWU21 BP Bank Details: Where-UL,Structure
BUSWU31 BP PaytCard: Where-UsedL, Structure
BUSWU41 BP Rel.Addr.:Where-UsedL, Structure
BUSWU61 BP Roles: Where-Used List, Structure
BUSWU62 BP Roles: Where-Used List, Views
BUSWU63 BP Roles:Where-Used Lst S.Org ->View
BUSWU64 BP Roles:Where-Used Lst S.Org ->View
BUS_CALL BDT: Call BDT, Complete LUW
BUS_HDRID BP Tax: Header IDs
BUTI Update Without Dialog
BUTJ Generate Test File (DI)
KCLJ015 External Data Transfer Type 15 (BP)
KCLJ090 External Data Transfer Type 90 (BPR)
S_ABA_72000002 IMG activity: _CABP_TB019
S_ABA_72000003 IMG activity: _CABP_TB032
S_ABA_72000004 IMG activity: _CABP_TB025
S_ABA_72000005 IMG activity: _CABP_KCLL
S_ABA_72000006 IMG activity: _CABP_KC7R
S_ABA_72000007 IMG activity: _CABP_KCLJ
S_ABA_72000008 IMG activity: _CABP_KCLP
S_ABA_72000009 IMG activity: _CABP_TB023
S_ABA_72000010 IMG activity: _CABP_TB035
S_ABA_72000011 IMG activity: _CABP_TSAD2
S_ABA_72000012 IMG activity: _CABP_TSAD5
S_ABA_72000013 IMG activity: _CABP_TSAD4
S_ABA_72000014 IMG activity: _CABP_NAMEFORMAT
S_ABA_72000015 IMG activity: _CABP_TB027
S_ABA_72000016 IMG activity: _CABP_TB028
S_ABA_72000017 Cust. Activity: _CABP_GPB_TB914
S_ABA_72000018 IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_TB916
S_ABA_72000019 IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_TB930
S_ABA_72000020 IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_KCLL
S_ABA_72000021 IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_KC7R
S_ABA_72000022 IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_KCLJ
S_ABA_72000023 IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_KCLP
S_ABA_72000024 IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_TB912
S_ABA_72000025 IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_BUB9
S_ABA_72000026 IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_V_TB905
S_ABA_72000027 IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_V_TB905_RF
S_ABA_72000028 IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_BUBP
S_ABA_72000029 IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_BUBQ
S_ABA_72000030 IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_V_TB105
S_ABA_72000031 IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_TB910
S_ABA_72000032 IMG Activity: _CABP_BUCN
S_ABA_72000033 IMG Activity: _CABP_SU03
S_ABA_72000035 IMG Activity: _CABP_TB009
S_ABA_72000037 IMG Activity: _CABP_V_TSAD3
S_ABA_72000038 IMG Activity: _CABP_V_TB030
S_ABA_72000039 IMG Activity: _CABP_BUCF
S_ABA_72000040 IMG Activity: _CABP_V_TB001
S_ABA_72000041 IMG Activity: _CABP_V_TB004
S_ABA_72000042 IMG Activity: _CABP_BUCG
S_ABA_72000043 IMG Activity: _CABP_BUCH
S_ABA_72000044 IMG Activity: _CABP_V_TB004_01
S_ABA_72000045 IMG Activity: _CABP_TB029
S_ABA_72000046 IMG Activity: _CABP_TB034
S_ABA_72000047 IMG Activity: CABP_V_TB005
S_ABA_72000048 IMG Activity: _CABP_TCC1
S_ABA_72000049 IMG Activity: _CABP_TB033
S_ABA_72000164 BDT Analyzer
S_AEC_66000279 BDT: Transport of Control Tables
S_SI3_21000037 Transaction S_SI3_21000037
VV_TB105_2_BP Field Grouping Activity
V_TB004_2 Field Grpng: Partner Type
V_TB004_3 View Maintenance: V_TB004_3
V_TB004_4 View Maintenance: V_TB004_4
V_TB102_2 Field Grouping Client-Wide
V_TB102_3 View Maintenance: V_TB102_3
V_TB102_4 View Maintenance: V_TB102_4
V_TB105_3 Field Grouping Activity
V_TB105_4 Field Grouping Activity
V_TB108 Field Grouping BP Role
V_TB108_2 Field Grouping BP Role(3501-7000)