The COM_WECWCMPHF table in SAP ERP or S/4HANA stores COM_WECWCM: Physical information object incoming relationshi data. There are total 11 fields in COM_WECWCMPHF table. The COM_WECWCM: Physical information object incoming relationshi table is available in all major SAP S/4HANA versions, is implemented as a Column Store table within the SAP HANA database. Additionally we provide an overview of the structure and fields of COM_WECWCMPHF table. It is in Web Channel Content Management: KPRO Backend (COM_WEC_WCM_KPRO) ABAP package and is part of the Web Channel Framework (WEC-FRW) module.
Following is the list of fields that are available in SAP COM_WECWCMPHF table. The primary key fields of the table are MANDT (Client), REP2_ID (Physical document), REIO_ID (Relationship between logical and physical documents).
Field | Description | Data Element | Check Table | Data Type |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | * | CLNT (3) |
REP2_ID | Physical document | SDOK_PHID | COM_WECWCMPHIO | CHAR (32) |
REIO_ID | Relationship between logical and physical documents | SDOK_REID | CHAR (32) | |
REP2_CLASS | Document class | SDOK_CLASS | * | CHAR (10) |
RE_CLASS | Relationship class | SDOK_RECL | SDOKRECL | CHAR (10) |
REP1_ID | ID for documents and relations | SDOK_DOCID | CHAR (32) | |
REP1_CLASS | Document class | SDOK_CLASS | * | CHAR (10) |
CREA_USER | Created By | SDOK_CRUSR | CHAR (12) | |
CREA_TIME | Creation Time (UTC) | SDOK_CRTST | NUMC (14) | |
CHNG_USER | Last Changed By | SDOK_CHUSR | CHAR (12) | |
CHNG_TIME | Time of change (UTC) | SDOK_CHTST | NUMC (14) |