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SAP ASRIDXST03 Table – ASR: Status Table for Indexing Documents

The ASRIDXST03 table in SAP ERP or S/4HANA stores ASR: Status Table for Indexing Documents data. There are total 12 fields in ASRIDXST03 table. The ASR: Status Table for Indexing Documents table is available in all major SAP S/4HANA versions, is implemented as a Column Store table within the SAP HANA database. Additionally we provide an overview of the structure and fields of ASRIDXST03 table. It is in Digital Personnel Files (PAOC_ASR_PERSONNEL_FILE) ABAP package and is part of the HR Administrative Services (PA-AS) module.

SAP ASRIDXST03 Table Fields

Following is the list of fields that are available in SAP ASRIDXST03 table. The primary key fields of the table are MANDT (Client), CATID (Index category identification), PHIO_ID (Physical document).

Field Description Data Element Check Table Data Type
MANDT Client MANDT T000 CLNT (3)
CATID Index category identification SRET_CATID SRETIDCAT CHAR (32)
PHIO_ID Physical document SDOK_PHID CHAR (32)
PH_CLASS Physical document class SDOK_PHCL * CHAR (10)
LANGU Language Key SPRAS * LANG (1)
ACTION Type of action to be performed SDOK_IDACT CHAR (1)
STATUS Indexing/Deindexing Status SDOK_STAT CHAR (1)
ERROR_CNT Number of failed attempts at (de)indexing SDOK_ERCNT INT1 (3)
CREA_TIME Creation time (UTC): Long representation SDOK_LCTST DEC (21)
NBOFCOMPS Number of components of a PHIO SDOK_CNUMB NUMC (10)
SAPCP SAP internal code page SRET_SAPCP * NUMC (4)