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SAP AD01C_PRTX Table – DIP profile: Texts

The AD01C_PRTX table in SAP ERP or S/4HANA stores DIP profile: Texts data. There are total 4 fields in AD01C_PRTX table. The DIP profile: Texts table is available in all major SAP S/4HANA versions, is implemented as a Column Store table within the SAP HANA database. Additionally we provide an overview of the structure and fields of AD01C_PRTX table. It is in DI Processor (Resource-Related Billing/Sales Pricing) (AD01) ABAP package and is part of the Revenues and Earnings (PS-REV) module.

SAP AD01C_PRTX Table Fields

Following is the list of fields that are available in SAP AD01C_PRTX table. The primary key fields of the table are MANDT (Client), PROFNR (Dynamic Item Processor Profile), SPRAS (Language Key).

Field Description Data Element Check Table Data Type
MANDT Client MANDT T000 CLNT (3)
PROFNR Dynamic Item Processor Profile AD01PROFNR DPPROFH CHAR (8)
SPRAS Language Key SPRAS T002 LANG (1)
TEXT Text Field TEXT50 CHAR (50)